
Terms for subject Police containing проверки | all forms | exact matches only
остановка полицией автомобиля для проверкиtraffic stop (Dilettante)
Отдел проверки подлинности документовQ.D. – Question documents (из сериала "C.S.I. Crime scene investigation" bimba)
подвергнуться проверке на детекторе лжи, полиграфеtake a lie detector test (He finally called his father Randy to come pick him up at the police station on Bowen. “He was pretty shaken up,” Randy Arnott remembered. “They’d accused him of killing her. He was asked to take a lie detector test, but the lawyer we hired recommended against taking the test, and we relied on his advice.” (vanmag.com) ART Vancouver)
полицейская проверкаpolice screening (Alexgrus)
проверка благополучияwellness check (ParanoIDioteque)
проверка благополучияwelfare check (A police welfare check occurs when a report is made to law enforcement about an individual who may be in some sort of peril, usually in that person's residence. Rori)
проверка водительского удостоверенияlicence check (snowleopard)
проверка документовlicence check (причина остановки snowleopard)
проверка записей с камер видеонаблюденияan assessment of available CCTV (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
проверка источникаsource validation (разведывательной информации Alex Polonskyy)
проверка самочувствияwellness check (ParanoIDioteque)
проверка самочувствияwelfare check (Rori)
проверка телефонаreverse phone lookup (по базе данных Val_Ships)
проводить проверку документовcheck the ID of (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
произвести проверкуget a match on someone (отпечатков пальцев, образцов ДНК plushkina)
пройти проверку на полиграфеpass a lie detector test (успешно: After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair's story never wavered. • Anthony recounted the story of Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson, who claimed to have been abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi, in October 1973. According to Parker, they were paralyzed by a light from a metallic, football-shaped object, and then taken aboard by robotic entities. While on the ship, Parker described being injected with something and examined by what he perceived as a beautiful woman with reptilian-like fingers. Medical examinations later showed puncture wounds on their bodies which corroborated their story, Anthony reported. He emphasized that Parker and Hickson consistently passed lie detector tests and other interrogations, reinforcing their credibility. -- успешно выдерживали проверки на полиграфе / детекторе лжи (coasttocoastam.com) wlox.com ART Vancouver)
специальная проверка сведений о психическом состоянии потенциальных покупателей оружияbackground checks on the mental health of prospective gun buyers (англ. цитата заимствована из репортажа Fox News; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
усилить специальную проверку сведенийbeef up background checks (англ. цитата заимствована из репортажа Fox News Alex_Odeychuk)