
Terms containing правовое | all forms | exact matches only
gen.автор, пишущий на правовые темыlaw-writer
gen.административно-правовые отношенияadministrative-legal relations (A.K.R. Kiralfy ABelonogov)
Игорь Мигакты сугубо правового характераacts of a strictly juridical nature
gen.Американская ассоциация по правовым вопросам в области интеллектуальной собственностиAmerican Intellectual Property Law Association (Johnny Bravo)
gen.бакалавр правовых наукBachelor of Science in Law (ставится после фамилии)
gen.безупречная репутация в правовом и финансовом отношенияхgood legal standing (Johnny Bravo)
gen.Британский и ирландский институт правовой информацииBritish and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII ROGER YOUNG)
gen.быть установленным нормативными правовыми актамиbe enacted (Правила обработки персональных данных, осуществляемой без использования средств автоматизации, установленные нормативными правовыми актами федеральных органов исполнительной власти = Such rules for non-automated personal data processing as may be enacted by federal agencies Alexander Demidov)
gen.в любой организационно-правовой формеin any form of business organization (Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигв соответствии с действующими правовыми нормамиin accordance with the law
Игорь Мигв соответствии с правовыми нормамиin accordance with the law
Игорь Мигварианты действий в рамках правового поляlegal options
gen.вводить в правовой режимlegalize (*возможный вариант перевода* ART Vancouver)
gen.ведомственные нормативные правовые актыdepartmental normative legal acts (ABelonogov)
gen.ведомственные правовые актыregulations made by government departments (tfennell)
gen.вещно - правовойproprietary
gen.вещно-правовой характерproprietary nature (nerzig)
gen.взаимная правовая помощьmutual legal assistance
gen.взыскивать убытки в гражданско-правовом порядкеrecover damages (Alexander Demidov)
gen.вне правового поляoutside the law (1 : not agreeing with the law. actions that may have been outside the law [=illegal] 2 : in an illegal way. Investigators were unable to prove that the business was operating outside the law. [=illegally]. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.вне правового поляbeyond the legal pale (Texas, after all, maintained that unauthorized immigrants were not even recognizable legal subjects – that they were beyond the legal pale – in effect, outlaws. | I should not, however, have attempted the innovation, but for the uncouth Norman phrase, cestuique trust, utterly unknown beyond the legal pale." | Although irrationality is beyond the legal pale it does not mark the legal boundaries which fence in discretion. Alexander Demidov)
gen.внутренний нормативный правовой актbylaw (Alexander Demidov)
gen.во все соответствующие моменты времени, имеющие правовое значениеat all relevant times (Lavrov)
gen.возможность ознакомления с нормативно-правовой базойaccess to law (Alexander Matytsin)
gen.вопрос, касающийся существа правовой позицииissue of law (• a question involving primarily the application of principles of law as distinguished from an issue involving primarily the determination of facts in a case • a question of law rather than of fact – compare fact in issue. WTNI. A dispute in court in which the application of the law is contested. OD Alexander Demidov)
gen.вопрос, касающийся существа правовой позицииquestion of law (a question concerning a rule or the legal effect or consequence of an event or circumstance, usually determined by a court or judge. Cf. question of fact. RHWD Alexander Demidov)
gen.выплаты по гражданско-правовому договоруnonemployee compensation (4uzhoj)
gen.высшая в иерархии правовая нормаsuperior law
Игорь МигГаагская конвенция о гражданско-правовых аспектах международного похищения детейthe Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980 год; 1980; ГКГПАМПД)
gen.Гаагская конвенция о гражданско-правовых аспектах международного похищения детейthe Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (ГКГПАМПД; 1980 год)
gen.Гаагская конференция по международному частному праву о юрисдикции в иностранных судебных решениях по гражданско-правовым и коммерческим вопросамthe Hague Conference on Private International Law on Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
gen.гербовая бумага для гражданско-правовых сделокnonjudicial stamp paper (MichaelBurov)
gen.гербовый бланк для оформления гражданско-правовых сделокnon-judicial stamp paper (4uzhoj)
gen.Главное государственно-правовое управлениеMain State Legal Administration (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.Государственно-правовое управлениеState Legal Administration (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.Государственное правовое управление ПрезидентаPresidential Legal Directorate (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Государственное правовое управление Президента Российской ФедерацииPresidential Legal Directorate of the Russian Federation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.государственный механизм правовой защитыstatutory remedy (Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданский проступок, гражданско-правовой проступокcivil wrong (jodrey)
gen.гражданский проступок, гражданско-правовой проступокtort (jodrey)
gen.гражданско-правовая и уголовная ответственностьcivil and criminal liability (Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовая квалификацияcivil law status (Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовая ответственностьcivil penalties (VictorMashkovtsev)
gen.гражданско-правовая ответственностьtortious liability (A tortious liability is related to the duty of care, and negligence of that duty, with respect to persons with whom there is no contractual liability. For example, if a person fails to maintain his property and part of his property falls off and injures another person, the property owner is liable for the damages to that person, even though it may be a passerby with whom there are no contractual obligations. answers.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовая ответственностьcivil law sanctions (Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовая сделкаcivil transaction (ABelonogov)
gen.гражданско-правовое действиеcivil law arrangement (Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовое судопроизводствоcivil proceedings (Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовой договорcivil contract (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.Гражданско-правовой режим недвижимого имуществаcivil law regime of real estate (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.гражданско-правовой характерcivil legal nature (which are of a ~ ABelonogov)
gen.гражданско-правовые вопросыcivil matters (Civil matters are cases that relate to complaints of a non-criminal nature. These types of matters often involve lawsuits or court cases where one party believes he is owed money by another. reference.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.гражданско-правовые обязательстваdebt or duty to perform (очень рабочий вариант bibliotekar.ru 4uzhoj)
gen.гражданско-правовые отношенияprivate-law transactions (private-law as part of civil law 4uzhoj)
gen.гражданско-правовые последствияcivil law consequences (ABelonogov)
gen.Группа правовой помощи ГПП.Legal Assistance Group LAG (Кыргызстан Divina)
gen.давать правовую защитуaward a remedy (Remedies ET can award for unfair dismissal include: compensation for lost earnings and loss of other benefits (e.g. health insurance, pension and use of company car etc.) and re-instatement. LE Alexander Demidov)
gen.действующая нормативно-правовая базаthe regulatory framework in place (Alexander Demidov)
gen.действующие нормативно-правовые актыstatutes in place (It will discuss the most relevant statutes in place under the enabling Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. | ... overview of the current state of legislation, case-law and executive practices in the two jurisdictions that have human rights statutes in place. | There are, however, a number of statutes in place designed to protect employees. Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигдействующий вне правового поляlawless
gen.дела об оспаривании нормативных правовых актовcases involving the contesting of normative legal acts (ABelonogov)
gen.департамент правового обеспеченияlegal department (Skelton)
gen.депозиты публично-правовых учрежденийpublic deposits
gen.Директива Европейского парламента и Совета Европейского союза о введении правового регулирования для установления требований экодизайна к энергопотребляющей продукцииEcoDesign Directive (Nityasri)
gen.Директор по контролю за нормативно – правовым соответствиемCompliance Director (Nord Stream TSB_77)
gen.договорно-правовая базаcontractual legal framework (ABelonogov)
gen.документ правового характераlegal instrument (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right • Syn: legal document, official document, instrument. WN3 Alexander Demidov)
gen.документы правового характераlegal paperwork (After childbirth, regardless where you have your baby, whether it is at home or at a birthing centre, you will need to fill out certain legal paperwork and there are a ... Opus's Magnum reduces legal paperwork by using the cloud. Alexander Demidov)
gen.должник по публично-правовому обязательствуpublic debtor (Stas-Soleil)
gen.допустимый в правовом отношенииlegally acceptable (Alexander Demidov)
gen.доступ к нормативно-правовой базеaccess to law (Alexander Matytsin)
gen.единое правовое пространствоcommon legal framework (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законный способ правовой защитыstatutory legal remedy (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законодательные и иные нормативно-правовые актыlegislative and other statutory and regulatory acts (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законодательные и нормативно-правовые актыlaws, statutes and regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законодательные и нормативно – правовые документыlegislative and regulatory instruments (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законодательные и нормативные правовые актыlegislative and regulatory legal acts (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законы и другие нормативные правовые актыlaws and other regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.законы и иные нормативные правовые актыlaws and regulations (принятие законов и иных нормативных правовых актов = enactment of laws and regulations. Both international instruments emerged after a period in history that saw the enactment of laws and regulations once thought progressive, but ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.законы и иные нормативные правовые актыlaws and other regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.заниматься подготовкой правовых заключенийdraft legal opinions (Alexander Demidov)
gen.заниматься подготовкой правовых заключенийwrite legal opinions (Alexander Demidov)
gen.затраты на правовые услугиlegal fees (A.Rezvov)
gen.изменение организационно-правовой формыchange of corporate form
gen.индивидуально-правовой актad hoc directive (Alexander Demidov)
gen.индивидуально-правовой актad hoc regulation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.индивидуальные правовые актыad hoc directives (Alexander Demidov)
gen.индивидуальные правовые актыad hoc regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.индивидуальный правовой актindividual legal act (ABelonogov)
gen.институт правовых исследований и стратегийlegal analysis and strategy institute (какие то грантоеды в Украине Виталик-Киев)
Игорь Мигисповедующий анархию и правовой нигилизмlawless
gen.использовать правовые полномочияmake use of the legal authority
gen.история правовой мыслиHistory of Legal Thought (4uzhoj)
gen.квалифицированная правовая помощьlegal services (work done by a lawyer for a client: provide/offer legal services "Families of many of the victims were sent to attorneys offering free legal services. director/head of legal services "She works as head of legal services for the Wisconsin Health Care Association. a legal services group/organization/provider "The organization is a nonprofit legal services group. "The firm has consolidated its position at the top of the legal services market. CBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.книга по правовым вопросамlaw-books
gen.книга по правовым вопросамlawbooks
gen.Комитет регистрационной службы и оказания правовой помощиCommittee of the Register Service and Rendering Legal Assistance (Министерства юстиции Республики Казахстан Johnny Bravo)
gen.комплексная правовая оценка объекта инвестированияdue diligence (4uzhoj)
gen.Конвенция о правовом статусе, привилегиях и иммунитетах межгосударственных экономических организаций, действующих в определённых областях сотрудничестваConvention on legal status, privileges and immunities of intergovernmental economic organisations operating in designated areas of cooperation (Budapest, 5th December 1980 nerzig)
gen.конституционно-правовая базаconstitutional legal framework (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конституционно-правовой режимconstitutional order (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конституционно-правовой смыслconstitutional legal interpretation (ABelonogov)
gen.конституционно-правовой смыслlegal constitutional interpretation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конституционно-правовой смыслconstitutional legal import (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конституционно-правовой смыслconstitutional legal meaning (ABelonogov)
gen.конституционно-правовые отношенияconstitutional aspects (Конституционно-правовые отношения в сфере = Constitutional Aspects of. Constitutional Aspects of Sex-Based Discrimination in American Law. Alexander Demidov)
gen.конституционные правовые гарантииconstitutional safeguards (Alexander Demidov)
gen.консультант по правовым вопросамlegal advisor
gen.консультант по правовым вопросамlegal adviser
gen.консультации по правовым вопросамconsulting on legal issues (ABelonogov)
Игорь Мигконсультирование по правовым вопросамlegal advice
gen.консультирование по хозяйственно-правовым вопросамbusiness and legal advice (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конфликт правовых нормconflict of laws
gen.кредитор по публично-правовому обязательствуpublic creditor (Stas-Soleil)
gen.лица, выполняющие работу или оказывающие услуги на основании договоров возмездного оказания услуг или иных видов договоров гражданско-правового характераservice providers or other contractors (лица, выполняющие работу (оказывающие услуги) для Общества на основании договоров возмездного оказания услуг или иных видов договоров гражданско-правового характера = the Company's service providers or other contractors. ...brokers, service providers or other contractors (collectively our "contractors") to provide services for your HSA. Alexander Demidov)
gen.лица, оказывающие услуги на основании договоров возмездного оказания услуг или иных видов договоров гражданско-правового характераcontracted service providers (A contracted service provider is an entity which has a signed contract with the Office of Hearing Services (the Office) to provide hearing service to eligible clients under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program (the program). All entities will go through an accreditation process in order to be offered a contract. Alexander Demidov)
gen.международная договорно-правовая базаlaw of international treaties (Alexander Demidov)
gen.международная правовая базаinternational legal environment (bigmaxus)
gen.международная правовая базаinternational legal basis (bigmaxus)
gen.международная правовая помощьinternational legal assistance
gen.международно-правовое лицоinternational personality
gen.международно-правовойinternationally accepted statutory (Alexander Demidov)
gen.международно-правовой актinternational statute (Alexander Demidov)
gen.международно-правовой документinternational statutory instrument (Alexander Demidov)
gen.международно-правовые актыinternational law acts (S.J. Reynolds ABelonogov)
gen.международное правовое регулированиеInternational law of (вариант не на все случаи жизни, но все ж // Например, The International Law of Investment Claims – Международное правовое регулирование инвестиционных споров 4uzhoj)
gen.международные правовые актыinternational legal enactments (established as a legal obligation by a number of national and international legal enactments in the special areas of maritime and astronautical safety – by Peter Macalister-Smith Tamerlane)
gen.Международные правовые нормы по охране трудаinternational labour standards (Sloneno4eg)
gen.ILOR международный запрос о правовой помощиInternational letter of request (в системе правоохранительных органов www.perevod.kursk.ru)
gen.международный публично-правовой договорtreaty (В русском языке "договор" используется для обозначения и частноправового, и международного публично-правового договора (хотя для обозначения последнего есть также слово "трактат"). В английском же языке используется соответственно "contract" и "treaty". Stas-Soleil)
gen.Международный центр правовой защитыInternational Centre for Legal Protection (Россия; не путать с International Protection Centre Tanya Gesse)
gen.меморандумы и правовые заключенияbriefs and legal opinions (I was a real estate/corporate commercial solicitor and cut my author's teeth on drafting briefs and legal opinions. ... we have identified specialist lawyers in the UK to provide strategic case support, including amicus briefs and legal opinions in cases where state officials have ... Students read and analyze articles, business cases, issue briefs, and legal opinions from diverse perspectives to learn how the U.S. healthcare system came to ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.меморандумы и правовые заключенияbriefs and opinions (max hits. Florida Supreme Court Briefs and Opinions, and Oral Arguments [Florida State University College of Law]. Contains slip opinions, petitions and ... Looking across the entire Term, there were 1,252 pairwise comparisons of briefs and opinions (I only focused on the relationships between ... ... of both published and unpublished opinions, and the frequency with which various types of authorities are cited in both briefs and opinions. maintained free electronic access to parties' briefs and opinions for civil (but not crim- inal) cases on its public Web site ( Briefs and Opinions in Case of Myers V. Anderson, 238 U.S. 368 (1915). Initially, the study uses conventional human analysis of briefs and opinions to assess judicial responsiveness, with the researcher coding each ... uscourts.gov) Alexander Demidov)
gen.меморандумы и правовые заключенияlegal briefs and opinions (Drafted legal briefs and opinions for all clients. Work with management and staff to resolve pre-litigation disputes. Conduct and lead extensive document review ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.механизм правовой защитыstatutory remedy (Alexander Demidov)
gen.муниципальные правовые актыmunicipal regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.на правовом уровнеat the statutory level (Scotland have already moved, at least in some way, towards the provision of school transport at the statutory level for primary and secondary. Alexander Demidov)
gen.на правовом уровнеat the legal level (But that is at the legal level, the legal framework. If the legal framework does not exist then there are real problems. But even where the legal framework exists ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.налаживание правовых отношенийlegal liaison (Alexander Demidov)
gen.направлен на реальное наступление правовые последствий, в нём предусмотренныхexecuted for the purposes herein contained (о договоре 4uzhoj)
gen.нарушить общественные и правовые нормыtransgress social and legal rules (Bob_cat)
Игорь Мигнаходящийся во власти правового нигилизмаlawless
gen.национальные средства правовой защитыdomestic remedies (Exhaustion of Domestic Remedies. It is a principle of international law that protection of human rights should be carried out by national governments.)
gen.начальник нормативно-правового отделаregulatory manager (igisheva)
gen.начальник нормативно-правового отделаregulatory affairs manager (igisheva)
gen.начальник нормативно-правового отделаmanager of regulatory affairs (igisheva)
gen.Независимая правовая экспертиза проектов правовых актовIndependent Legal Examination of Draft Legal Acts (Бруклин Додж)
gen.независимо от организационно-правовой формы, формы собственности и подчиненияof any type, public or private (It is ludicrous to suggest that a mere loan between entities of any type, public or private, constitutes “control” over the borrower. 4uzhoj)
gen.незаконный правовой актillegal act (HarryWharton&Co)
gen.незасвидетельствованный правовой документunwitnessed legal document
gen.ненормативный правовой актnon-regulatory act (Ненормативный правовой акт – правовой акт, принимаемый (издаваемый) с целью осуществления конкретных (разовых) организационных, контрольных или распорядительных мероприятий либо рассчитанный на иное однократное применение. Постановление Госдумы ФС от 11.11.96 N 781_II ГД "Об обращении в Конституционный суд Российской Федерации". Alexander Demidov)
gen.ненормативный правовой актnon-normative legal act (ABelonogov)
gen.неоправданный с правовой точки зренияnot legally excusable ("Regarding Nguyen's claim that Ball had touched his partner's rear end, the judge agreed with the defence that there was a "form of provocation" in the attack, not in the legal sense but in the everyday use of the term. "In other words, Mr. Nguyen's conduct is not legally excusable, but given the circumstances it is morally understandable to a certain degree", she said in her reasons for judgment." (The Province) -- нельзя оправдать с правовой точки зрения ART Vancouver)
Игорь Мигнеоспоримое правовое обязательствоunassailable legal obligation
gen.неоспоримый правовой титулgood and valid title (Lavrov)
Игорь Мигнет правовых оснований дляthere is no juridical case for
gen.нормативная правовая базаlegislative and regulatory framework (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативная правовая базаnormative legal base (ABelonogov)
gen.нормативно-правовая базаregulatory framework (mascot)
gen.нормативно-правовая базаpolicy and legal frameworks (Yakov F.)
gen.нормативно-правовая базаlegal and policy framework (Yakov F.)
gen.нормативно-правовая базаrules and regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовая базаenabling framework (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовая базаstatutory conditions (makhno)
gen.нормативно-правовая средаregulatory environment (A regulatory environment is simply put, the laws, rules, and regulations put into place by federal, state, or other government entities and civilian organizations to control the behavior and actions of business activities. Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовое регулированиеregulatory environment (Russian nuances: Orange Business Services faces what Joanblanq called constraints from the telecom regulatory environment here. TMT Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовое регулированиеregulatory environment (Russian nuances: Orange Business Services faces what Joanblanq called constraints from the telecom regulatory environment here. TMT – АД)
gen.нормативно-правовое регулированиеstatutory regulation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовое регулирование в сфере охраны окружающей средыstatutory environmental regulation (The Courts have been reluctant to extend the scope of civil liability as an alternative to statutory environmental regulation in cases of escape of ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовойstatutory and regulatory (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовой актstatutory instrument (statutory instrument noun (law) a law or other rule which has legal status. OALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовые актыlaws and statutory instruments (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовые актыlaws, statutes, codes, rules, regulations and requirements (именно такой развернутый вариант из серии "для особо придирчивых юристов" встретился в договоре по проекту Европейской Комиссии. Писали вроде как бельгийцы, но договор был составлен со всеми оговорками, присущими ангосаксонскому праву 4uzhoj)
gen.нормативно-правовые актыstatutes and regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовые актыlaws and regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно-правовые акты и нормативно-технические документыlaws, regulations and technical standards (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативно правовые акты, регулирующие правоотношения в сфере охраны государственной, коммерческой, банковской и иной тайныsecrecy regulations (4uzhoj)
gen.нормативно-правовые мерыcommand and control regulations (направлены на снижение деградации окружающей среды путем установления нормативов для произ-ва, технологий или выбросов загрязнителей в окружающую среду; пригодны для борьбы с выбросами только в конце технол. процесса; требуют больших затрат)
gen.нормативно-правовые положенияstatutory and regulatory provisions (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативное правовое положениеenactment (Stas-Soleil)
gen.нормативные правовые акты, регламентирующиеregulations governing (Are you sitting comfortably? What about your staff? As a business-owner there are some key regulations governing work environments you need to know about ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативный правовойstatutory (prescribed, authorised or recognised by a statute. CDL. Нормати́вный правово́й акт [statutory act/statute]– официальный документ установленной формы, принятый в пределах компетенции уполномоченного государственного ... WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативный правовойregulatory (having the power to control an area of business or industry and make sure that it is operating fairly • regulatory bodies/authorities/agencies • regulatory procedures. OALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативный правовой актpiece of legislation (You can determine the department responsible for a particular piece of legislation by looking at the signature block on the Statutory Instruments (SIs) relating to ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.нормативный правовой актregulatory act (rechnik)
gen.нормативный правовой актnormative legal act (ABelonogov)
gen.носить публично-правовой характерbe based on public law (ABelonogov)
gen.НП "Группа правовых исследований"Legal Intelligence Group (YuV)
gen."О нормативно-правовом регулировании оборота лекарственных средств для применения человеком на территории Европейского Сообщества"Community code relating to medicinal products for human use (Директива ¹2001/83/EC Европейского парламента и Совета ЕС 4uzhoj)
gen.о правовом положении иностранных граждан в Российской ФедерацииConcerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation (E&Y)
gen.о правовом регулировании в период поэтапной конституционной реформы в Российской ФедерацииConcerning Legal Regulation During the Period of Gradual Constitutional Reform in the Russian Federation (E&Y)
gen.обоснованный с правовой точки зренияsufficient as is required by law (Johnny Bravo)
gen.обоснованный с правовой точки зренияlegally sufficient (Johnny Bravo)
gen.Общероссийский классификатор организационно-правовых формAll-Russian Classification of Business Structures (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Общероссийский классификатор организационно-правовых формAll-Russian Classifier of Organizational-Legal Forms (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.Обязательственно-правовой законLaw of Obligations Act (Võlaõigusseadus, Эстонская Республика ABelonogov)
gen.обязывающий гражданско-правовой договорbinding contract (a contract that courts of law will recognize as legal: • The successful bidder is under a binding contract to purchase the relevant property. LBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий деятельность по выработке и реализации государственной политики и нормативно-правовому регулированию в вверенной ему сфереregulator (Stas-Soleil)
gen.орган международной правовой защитыinternational statutory protection authority (Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая схемаorganizational and legal framework (The assessment had two components: (i) an institutional analysis of the organizational and legal framework of the education system; and (ii) the identification of ... | New draft to amend the organizational and legal framework of National Tariff Commission (NTC) is ready and will be presented to the Cabinet for approval any time soon, said the Minister for Commerce while chairing a meeting. Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаorganizational and legal form (S.J. Reynolds ABelonogov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаtype of business organisation (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаform of business entity (From choosing the form of business entity, providing advice on a myriad of contractual matters, to assisting in the legal needs from business operation to sales ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаform of business (We can help you set up your small or home-based business from choosing the form of business to setting up your bookkeeping software. Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаformation type (understanding business formation types in California sankozh)
gen.организационно-правовая формаbusiness structure (Choose Your Business Structure | The U.S. Small Business ... Learn about the different types of business structures and find the one best ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаform of business organization (This guide covers everything from choosing the form of business organization to business loans, issues for employers, tax information and much more. Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаform of enterprise (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаbusiness organisation (UK texbook on Business Law Alexander Demidov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаorganizational-legal form (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаlegal organizational form (Lavrov)
gen.организационно-правовая формаform of business ownership (Usage: In commercial law, limited liability is a *form of business ownership* in which business owners are legally responsible for no more than the amount that they have contributed to a venture. visitor)
gen.организационно-правовая формаtype of business (parntership, LTD, PLC, JSC etc. Алексей Леонов)
gen.организационно-правовая формаform of legal entity's incorporation (mascot)
gen.организационно-правовая форма компанииnature of company (emirates42)
gen.организационно-правовое положениеregulatory status (Кунделев)
gen.организационно-правовыеprocedural and institutional (Кунделев)
gen.организационно-правовые аспектыprocedural and institutional aspects (Кунделев)
gen.организационно-правовые особенностиspecial organizational and legal considerations (relating to ABelonogov)
gen.Основные правовые средства и избранные документыBasic Instruments and Selected Documents (BISD; БИСД Lavrov)
gen.Основные принципы и Руководящие положения Организации Объединённых Наций в отношении средств правовой защиты и процедур, связанных с правом любого лишённого свободы лица обращаться в судUnited Nations Basic Principles and Guidelines on remedies and procedures on the right of anyone deprived of their liberty to bring proceedings before a court (undocs.org 'More)
gen.основы демократического правового государстваfundamental principles of a democratic rule-of-law state (ABelonogov)
gen.особый правовой режимspecial legal regime (ABelonogov)
Игорь Мигосуществить правовые меры в отношенииpursue legal action against
gen.отдел кадров и правового обеспеченияStaff and Legal Support Department (Tiny Tony)
gen.отдел надзора за нормативно-правовым соответствиемcompliance (4uzhoj)
gen.отдел нормативно-правового регулированияregistration affairs (Olessya.85)
gen.отсутствие в правовой базе норм, которые регламентируют порядокabsence of legal provisions for the procedure of (Alex Lilo)
gen.отсутствие правовых гарантийlack of due process (свод правил, в соответствии с которым государство должно уважать все права человека. Правовые гарантии уравновешивают полномочия государства с законом страны, защищая человека от произвола власт Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.Официальный интернет-портал правовой информацииOfficial Internet Portal of Legal Information (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.оформление земельно-правовых отношенийland title documentation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.письменное заключение по правовым вопросамopinion letter (Also called an legal opinion. An opinion from lawyers issued in letter form expressing legal conclusions about and/or legal analysis of a transaction or matter which is relied on by the addressee of the opinion. The main purposes of a legal opinion are: • To inform the addressee of the legal effect of a transaction or matter. • To identify legal risks that the addressee should consider further and evaluate. For example, in a cross-border transaction, a legal opinion may be obtained from lawyers in a foreign jurisdiction opining on whether a transaction document is valid and enforceable in that jurisdiction and complies with local law. A legal opinion is not a substitute for legal advice which, in a transactional context, is likely to be more extensive. PLG Alexander Demidov)
gen.по правовой сутиin juridic essence (VictorMashkovtsev)
gen.подготовка нормативных правовых актовbill drafting (Alexander Demidov)
gen.подготовка нормативных правовых актовlegislative drafting (The terms "legislative drafting" and "bill drafting" are commonly used to describe simply the act of writing legislation. Used more accurately, however, they describe the entire process of taking raw ideas, refining them and developing the language to carry them out, and then organizing that language so as to achieve the sponsor's objective exactly–a process in which analysis and perspective are immeasurably more important than style. The final product must address any problems, omissions, and ambiguities that may have existed in the sponsor's original proposal or that may subsequently arise as a result of refinements in the sponsor's policy. It must be cast in language that is clear, consistent, legally effective, technically sound, administrable, enforceable, and constitutional; is correct in form ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.подготовка нормативных правовых актовdrafting of laws and regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.политика нормативно-правового соответствияcompliance policy (emirates42)
gen.политическая и правовая обстановкаpolitical and legal setting (в стране)
Игорь Мигпортал правовой информацииstate law database ()
gen.последствия правового характераlegal implications (Alexander Demidov)
gen.право, правовой титул и имущественный интересright, title and interest (Rslan)
gen.правовая база государстваnational legislative framework (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая безграмотностьlegal ignorance (premature evacuation)
gen.правовая безопасностьsecurity in rights (Nemysheva)
gen.правовая гарантияlegal remedy (A legal remedy, also judicial relief or a judicial remedy, is the means with which a court of law, usually in the exercise of civil law jurisdiction, enforces a right, imposes a penalty, or makes another court order to impose its will. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая группаlegal panel (Silver Free)
gen.правовая деятельностьlegal affairs (хозяйственная и правовая деятельность = business and legal affairs Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая доктрина и практикаlegal doctrine and case law (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая защитаjuridical protection (e.g., juridical protection of civil rights Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая защитаlegal defense
gen.правовая защита бизнесаlegal safeguards for businesses (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая защита интересов исторически ущемлённых группAffirmative Action (ЛВ)
gen.правовая защищённостьlegal security (Legal security refers to the way the police and justice system treat offenders and victims. It encompasses various rights including to due process, to treatment ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.Правовая инициатива по РоссииRJI (RJI – Russian Justice Initiative Alyona_S)
gen.правовая информацияlegal notes (sankozh)
gen.правовая информацияlegal footer (Вариант названия соответствующего раздела Интернет-сайтов Alexander Oshis)
gen.правовая квалификацияlegal classification (VictorMashkovtsev)
gen.правовая коллизияconflict of laws (conflict of law(s) n. 1 A conflict between the laws of two or more states or countries that would apply to a legal action in which the underlying dispute, transaction, or event affects or has a connection to those jurisdictions. 2 The area of law that deals with the problems arising from such a conflict. WL Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая консультацияlegal consultation
gen.правовая культураlegal culture (Legal cultures are described as being temporary outcomes of interactions and occur pursuant to a challenge and response paradigm. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая материяlegal matter (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая неграмотностьlegal illiteracy (grafleonov)
gen.правовая оболочкаcorporate shell (т.е. компания, не имеющая (лишенная) реальных физических активов // Some of the state enterprises, however, especially those in heavy debts to Ukrainian residents, were appropriated in a different fashion: their assets were nationalized or transferred to the newly incorporated Crimea-owned entities, while the corporate shells remained indebted. 4uzhoj)
gen.правовая оговоркаlegal disclaimer (Игорь_2006)
gen.правовая организация государстваlegal establishment (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая основа деятельностиlegal basis of the activities (ABelonogov)
gen.правовая ответственностьstatutory responsibility (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая охрана которых осуществляетсяlegally protected (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая охрана которых осуществляется в соответствии с законодательствомlegally protected under the laws of (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая охрана товарного знакаlegal protection of trademark
gen.правовая оценкаlegal assessment (sankozh)
gen.правовая очистка нового выпуска ценных бумагblue skying
gen.правовая ошибкаerror in law
gen.правовая ошибкаlegal error (VictorMashkovtsev)
gen.правовая ошибкаerror of in of law
gen.правовая позицияruling (Напр., в контексте "правовые позиции Европейского Суда по правам человека ... которые содержатся в окончательных постановлениях Суда, принятых в отношении Российской Федерации, являются обязательными для судов". the European Court's ruling against detention without trial. OALD. the recent Supreme Court ruling on defendants' rights (LDOCE) Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияlegal opinion (the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision – opinions are usually written by a single judge • Syn: opinion, judgment, judgement. WN3 Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияlegal position (Abortion: the legal position. Anyone involved in performing abortions without proper certification could be liable for criminal prosecution, the ... | Summary of the government legal position on military action in Iraq against ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and the motion on support ... | "The council is considering its legal position on this matter". BBC | What does the line "legal position" mean? It usually means what is required by law, whether it suits your personal convenience or not. The legal position is that you are expected to make tax returns and pay what is due by the due date. yahoo.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияlegal determination (The final resolution or conclusion of a controversy. In legal use, determination usually implies the conclusion of a dispute or lawsuit by the rendering of a final decision. After consideration of the facts, a determination is generally set forth by a court of justice or other type of formal decision maker, such as the head of an Administrative Agency. Determination has been used synonymously with adjudication, award, decree, and judgment. A ruling is a judicial determination concerning matters, such as the admissibility of evidence or a judicial or an administrative interpretation of a statute or regulation. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияlegal strategy (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияcause of action (the grounds (as violation of a right) that entitle a plaintiff to bring a suit. MWCD Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияlegal philosophy (The ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] seems to have derived its legal philosophy from the British Fabian Society. | How receptive the Obama administration will be to ACS and its legal philosophy is still unclear. Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая позицияlegal reasoning (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая помощьlegal inputs (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.правовая помощь на льготных условияхlegal aid (Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people otherwise unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial. This article describes the development of legal aid and its principles, primarily as known in Europe, the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая помощь на льготных условияхlegal assistance (legal advice provided at a discounted rate to those who need it. BED Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая помощь населениюlegal assistance to the general public (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая помощь по гражданским и уголовным деламlegal assistance in civil and criminal matters (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая проверка компаний по вопросам интеллектуальной собственностиcorporate IP audit (Campbell has represented companies in IP counseling, including corporate IP audits and licensing. Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая проверка компаний по вопросам интеллектуальной собственностиIP audit (What Is an IP Audit? An intellectual property audit is a systematic review of a company’s IP assets and related risks and opportunities. IP audits can help assess, preserve, and enhance IP; correct defects in IP rights; put unused IP to work; identify risks that a company’s products or services infringe another’s IP; and implement best practices for IP asset management. A thorough IP audit involves not only a review of a company’s IP assets, but also the company’s IP-related agreements, policies and procedures, and competitors’ IP. corporatecomplianceinsights.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая работаlaw job (Sensey531)
Игорь Мигправовая распущенностьlawlessness
gen.правовая средаlegal framework (The rules, rights and obligations of companies, governments, and citizens are set forth in a system of legal documents called a legal framework. From an electoral point of view, "legal framework" has both a broad and a technical meaning. Broadly speaking, a legal framework may be seen as the entirety of a group of constitutional, legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential and managerial rules that together establish the voting rights used by citizens to elect representative officials. In a more technical sense, the legal framework can also be seen as a collection of procedural techniques. From this topic's point of view, "legal framework" is understood in both such meanings however the default approach will be to develop a working definition of "legal framework" as broad as possible in order to achieve a more fulsome understanding. aceproject.org Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая сторонаlegal aspect (of an issue, etc. Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая сторона требованияlegal aspects of the request
gen.правовая теорияlegal doctrine (A legal doctrine is a framework, set of rules, procedural steps, or test, often established through precedent in the common law, through which judgments can be determined in a given legal case. A doctrine comes about when a judge makes a ruling where a process is outlined and applied, and allows for it to be equally applied to like cases. When enough judges make use of the process soon enough it becomes established as the de facto method of deciding like situations. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая точностьlegal certainty (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая функция товарного знакаlegal function of trademark (не дать возможность другим лицам выдавать свои товары за изделия владельца товарного знака)
gen.правовая экологияlegal ecology (Lena Nolte)
gen.правовая экспертизаlegal appraisal (ABelonogov)
gen.правовая экспертизаlegal vetting (Legal Vetting means making a careful and critical examination of documents to be executed in terms of law. legistify.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая экспертизаlegal examination (ABelonogov)
gen.правовая экспертиза договоровcontract vetting (legistify.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовая юрисдикцияtitling jurisdiction (Johnny Bravo)
gen.правовая юрисдикцияtitle jurisdiction (Johnny Bravo)
gen.правовая юрисдикцияlaw jurisdiction (Johnny Bravo)
gen.правовое государствоstate based on the rule of law
gen.правовое государствоa state governed by the rule of law (metafrastria)
gen.правовое действиеproceeding (kee46)
gen.правовое действиеlegal step (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое действие регистрацииlegal effect of registration (товарного знака)
gen.правовое закреплениеlegal confirmation (чего-либо)
gen.правовое значениеlegal meaning (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое напоминаниеlegal reminder (bigmaxus)
gen.правовое обеспечениеenforceability (dykov)
gen.правовое обеспечениеlegal support (citizens who provide their own legal support of their activities – граждане, самостоятельно осуществляющие правовое обеспечение своей деятельности anyname1)
gen.правовое обеспечение профессиональной деятельностиlegal support of professional activities (Jerry_Frost)
gen.правовое обоснованиеlegality (напр., иска: Whatever the cause of your accident claim, Fentons Solicitors can provide you with accurate advice, thorough information on the legality of the claim, and benefit ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое обслуживаниеlegal support (He set-up an in-house legal support team at Coventry University before deciding to full his ambition of setting up his own business to provide aordable legal support to SMEs. BIRMINGHAM law firm Anthony Collins Solicitors (ACS) has been selected by the Child Brain Injury Trust to provide vital legal support services across the West and East Midlands. announced the launch of the Palestine Solidarity Legal Support Initiative, which will help ensure that Palestinian rights activists have the legal support they need to exercise their First Amendment rights and continue speaking and organizing. 25 legal support staff from the South Sudan's justice ministry have successfully completed about three weeks of intensive training conducted by RCN Justice and Democratie, a Belgium government funded organization. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое обществоlaw-based society (Maldivia)
gen.правовое общество государственной службыCivil Service Legal Society (Великобритания)
gen.правовое обязательствоstatutory obligation (Obligation that does not arise from a contractual relationship but is created under a law. businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое обязательствоcontractual undertaking (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое основаниеstatutory authority (например, для выдачи справки о наличии судимости pchilucter)
gen.правовое основание, правовое оправданиеlegal cover (tlaxcala.es Тантра)
gen.правовое полеlegal terrain (twinkie)
gen.правовое положениеlegal precept (the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty. NOED Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое предписаниеenaction
gen.правовое предписаниеenactment
gen.правовое примечаниеlegal note (Igor Kondrashkin)
gen.правовое пространствоlegal framework (a broad system of rules that governs and regulates decision making, agreements, laws etc: Without a clear legal framework no company will invest here. TED Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое разбирательствоjudicial inquiry (mutalib)
gen.правовое регулированиеstatutory regulation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое регулированиеlegal regulation (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое регулирование банковской деятельностиstatutory regulation of banking (The statutory regulation of banking changed with the coming into force of Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA 2000). Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое регулирование в сегменте товаров и услуг класса "люкс"luxury law (LadaP)
gen.Правовое регулирование ВЭДLegal regulation of foreign economic activity (Johnny Bravo)
gen.правовое регулирование в сфере индустрии роскошиluxury law (LadaP)
gen.правовое регулирование кредитованияstatutory regulation of lending and credit (Money paid to third parties; Statutory regulation of lending and credit; Interest: legality, rate and calculation; Implied promises to pay; Borrowers not personally ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое регулирование люксового сегмента рынкаluxury law (LadaP)
gen.правовое регулирование отношений в сфереlegislative regulation of (Marjorie Maguire Shultz, Legislative Regulation of Surrogacy and Reproductive Technology, 28 U.S.F.L. Rev. 613 (1993), Available at: ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовое регулирование сферы искусстваart law (princess Tatiana)
gen.правовое регулирование ценных бумагSecurities regulation (4uzhoj)
gen.правовое соглашениеlegal agreement
gen.правовое сознаниеlegal awareness (omsksp)
gen.правовое сопровождениеlegal advice (Ремедиос_П)
gen.правовое средствоlegal remedy (a way of using the legal system to make sure that someone's rights are not taken away from them: "We will pursue all legal remedies available to enforce our rights. CBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.Правовое управлениеLegal Administration (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.правовой анализlegal review (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой анализtitle search (A report prepared by a title insurance company that indicates the ownership and outstanding liens for a designated parcel or parcels of real property. Even though a title search is prepared by a title insurance company, it does not offer any insurance protection. Also called ownership and encumbrance reports. American Banker Glossary. In real estate business and law, a title search or property title search is the process of retrieving documents evidencing events in the history of a piece of real property, to determine relevant interests in and regulations concerning that property. In the case of a prospective purchase, a title search is performed primarily to answer three questions regarding a property on the market: Does the seller have a saleable interest in the property? What kind of restrictions or allowances pertain to the use of the land? These would include real covenants, easements and other servitudes. Do any liens exist on the property which need to be paid off at closing? These would be mortgages, back taxes, mechanic's liens, and other assessments. A title search is also performed when an owner wishes to mortgage his property and the bank requires the owner to insure this transaction. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой анализdue diligence (1) An internal analysis by a lender, such as a bank, of existing debts owed by a borrower in order to identify or re-evaluate the risk. 2) An independent analysis of the current financial state and future prospects of a company in anticipation of a major investment of venture capital or a stock-exchange flotation. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой анализ изменения в законодательствеlegal alert (Lavrov)
gen.правовой аспектlegal aspect (MichaelBurov)
gen.правовой аудитdue diligence (mascot)
gen.правовой аудит недвижимостиtitle search (An examination of public records to determine and confirm a property's legal ownership, and find out what claims are on the property. A title search is usually performed by a title company or an attorney, who researches the vested owner, the liens or other judgments on the property, the loans on the property and the property taxes due. Read more: Title Search Definition | Investopedia investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигправовой беспределlawlessness
gen.правовой вакуумlegal void (twinkie)
gen.правовой вопросlegal point (MichaelBurov)
gen.правовой институтdoctrine (A legal rule, tenet, theory, or principle. A political policy. Examples of common legal doctrines include the clean hands doctrine, the doctrine of false demonstration, and the doctrine of merger. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой институтlegal doctrine (A legal doctrine is a framework, set of rules, procedural steps, or test, often established through precedent in the common law, through which judgments can be determined in a given legal case. A doctrine comes about when a judge makes a ruling where a process is outlined and applied, and allows for it to be equally applied to like cases. When enough judges make use of the process soon enough it becomes established as the de facto method of deciding like situations. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой консультантchamber counsel
gen.правовой кругозорlegal expertise (Широкий правовой кругозор: Wide legal expertise. As we are a general practice each of the solicitors in the firm is able to assist you in more than one area of law and we can often arrange it ... Robust and wide legal expertise is particularly needed to assist our clients in developing their businesses online (for example, with regard to search engines, ... The firm has developed a wide legal expertise regarding criminal law including emergency criminal defense, international criminal law, white collar crimes, and ... the book, the authors bring together their wide legal expertise and forensic skills to uncover the contested meaning behind the liberties enshrined in. Jorge Luis Perez Alati's wide legal expertise extends to advising national and international clients from the telecoms, media and entertainment industries on ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой массивbody of law (Stas-Soleil)
gen.правовой механизмlegal route (The main legal route for closing sites up till now has been the country's extremism law. TMT Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигправовой нигилизмlawlessness (конт.!)
gen.правовой нигилизмLaw-is-for-wimps mentality (вношу в словарь вариант, предложенный V. в его "Скорой помощи", см. lingvoda.ru 4uzhoj)
gen.правовой нигилизмrule scepticism
gen.правовой обычайCustomary law (dreamjam)
gen.правовой порядокlegal norms (Liv Bliss)
gen.правовой принцип определения того, попадает ли предмет судебного разбирательства под юрисдикции данного судаReal and substantial connection (Канада Millie)
gen.правовой пробелlegislative gap (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой режимlegal framework (Gain a deeper insight into specific problems and critical issues faced by international business today and the international legal frameworks in dealing with them | Have an understanding of the legal framework for business and commerce within regional economic blocs, such as the European Union Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой режимas viewed by the law (правой режим информации с ограниченным доступом – Restricted Access Data as Viewed by the Law 4uzhoj)
gen.правовой режим деятельностиlegal status (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой режим имуществаlegal regime of property (Tiny Tony)
gen.правовой режим инвестицийlegal framework for investment (The Foundations of the International Legal Framework for Investment | In contrast, the evolving legal framework for investment in lower-carbon technologies, as reflected primarily in the ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой режим охраныlegal regime of the protection (ABelonogov)
gen.правовой рискlegal risk (Lavrov)
gen.Правовой совет КипраCyprus Law Council (VictorMashkovtsev)
gen.правовой статусcondition
gen.правовой статусlegal status
gen.правовой статус личностиpersonal legal status (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовой характерlegal status (Johnny Bravo)
gen.правовые актыlegal enactments (OALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые актыlegislative and regulatory acts (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые актыenactments (the process of a law becoming official; a law which has been made official Х the enactment of environmental legislation Х legal enactments covering food safety. OALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые гарантии защиты отlegal remedies against (Contrary to popular belief, gays and lesbians employed in the United States do not have adequate legal remedies against discrimination in. Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые и нормативные требованияstatutory and regulatory requirements (A statutory requirement is a requirement written into a law passed by a legislative body, while regulatory requirements are those requirements made by a government agency in accordance with the law, according to the Maryland Office of the Secretary of State. A legislature gives agencies the right to make regulations. reference.com Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигправовые и экономические условия для развития торговли и предпринимательстваlegal and business environment for trade and enterprise development.
gen.правовые изменения, относящиеся к законодательствуlegislative change (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые или нормативные актыstatutes or regulations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые исследованияlegal research (Legal research is "the process of identifying and retrieving information necessary to support legal decision-making. In its broadest sense, legal research includes each step of a course of action that begins with an analysis of the facts of a problem and concludes with the application and communication of the results of the investigation." WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые мероприятияlegal actions (WiseSnake)
gen.правовые нормыregulations (scherfas)
gen.правовые нормыstandards on the right
gen.правовые обстоятельстваlegal situation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые основыlegal fundamentals (ABelonogov)
gen.правовые основыfundamental legal principles (ABelonogov)
gen.правовые основы предпринимательской деятельностиLegal Environment of Business (предмет; взято из выписки Алабамского университета 4uzhoj)
gen.правовые основы усыновленияlegal framework for adoption (HarryWharton&Co)
gen.правовые отношенияrelations governed by law
gen.правовые позицииcase law (Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые позиции Европейского Судаcase law of the European Court (Case law. The term case law means the body of judgments of a particular court or legal system. For example, you can speak about the case law of the European Court of Justice or the case law of French courts, e.g. on equal treatment on the grounds of gender. Sometimes case law is referred to as 'jurisprudence'. ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/rights/case-law/index_en.htm Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые позиции Европейского Судаthe European Court's rulings (the European Court's ruling against detention without trial. OALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые положенияlegal terms (sankozh)
gen.правовые препятствияlegal impediments (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.правовые препятствияlegal obstacles (grafleonov)
gen.правовые рамкиstatutory limits (быть ограниченным определенными правовыми рамками = be subject to certain statutory limits. This authority, however, is subject to certain statutory limits. Alexander Demidov)
gen.правовые ресурсыlegal inputs (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.практика применения правовых нормcase law (The body of law derived from examination of previously judged cases, including their treatment of a subject and interpretation of legislation. ELD Alexander Demidov)
gen.практика уголовно-правовой защитыcriminal defence (Alexander Demidov)
gen.представительство в судах по по гражданско-правовым спорамcivil advocacy (There are separate awards for rights of audience for criminal and civil advocacy. Alexander Demidov)
gen.прекращение срока действия и средства правовой защитыtermination and remedies (Oksana-Ivacheva)
gen.применимые правовые принципыapplicable legal principles (ROGER YOUNG)
Игорь Мигпринимать правовые мерыpursue legal action against
gen.принцип правовой определённостиprinciple of legal certainty (The principle of legal certainty, and as such the rule of law, requires that: ... In European Union law the general principle of legal certainty prohibits Ex post facto ... WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.принцип правовой определённостиequality of arms principle (Alexander Demidov)
gen.принцип правовой точностиprinciple of legal certainty (Alexander Demidov)
gen.принятые в соответствии с законом нормативные правовые актыdelegated legislation (Delegated legislation (also referred to as secondary legislation or subordinate legislation or subsidiary legislation) is law made by an executive authority under powers given to them by primary legislation in order to implement and administer the requirements of that primary legislation. It is law made by a person or body other than the legislature but with the legislature's authority.[1] Often, a legislature passes statutes that set out broad outlines and principles, and delegates authority to an executive branch official to issue delegated legislation that flesh out the details (substantive regulations) and provide procedures for implementing the substantive provisions of the statute and substantive regulations (procedural regulations). Delegated legislation can also be changed faster than primary legislation so legislatures can delegate issues that may need to be fine-tuned through experience. WAD Alexander Demidov)
gen.принятые в соответствии с ним нормативные правовые актыits subordinate legislation (с ним = законом Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигпринять правовые меры в отношенииpursue legal action against
gen.пробелы в нормативно-правовом регулированииregulatory gaps (Baaghi)
gen.проведение правовых исследованийlegal research (заниматься проведением правовых исследований = do legal research Alexander Demidov)
gen.проверка надлежащего правового статусаdue diligence (Lavrov)
gen.проверка правового статусаtitle search (regarding the findings of a title search on the property and appraised value. Alexander Demidov)
gen.провести юридическую проверку правового статусаconduct a title search (Once you identify the piece of property you are interested in, the very first step would be to conduct a title search on it to reveal any information that might be ... | Title insurers conduct a title search on public records before they agree to insure the purchaser or mortgagee of land. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.Протокол о порядке вступления в силу международных договоров, направленных на формирование договорно-правовой базы таможенного союза, выхода из них и присоединения к нимProtocol on the Procedure for the Entry into Force of International Agreements Which Are Intended to Form a Contractual Legal Framework for the Customs Union and for Withdrawal from and Accession to the Customs Union (E&Y ABelonogov)
gen.публично-правовое образованиеgovernment (Stas-Soleil)
gen.работа на основании гражданско-правового договораcontract work (work specified in a short-term contract, esp as opposed to regular employment Example Sentences Including 'contract work' At 58, he considers himself too young to retire but says he would look for contract work. NEW ZEALAND HERALD (2004) He had faced allegations of conflict of interest involving a company which had performed contract work for Tarong Energy. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2004) He says: "I found it very easy to get contract work in computer installation and troubleshooting. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001) Remploy factories produce a wide range of goods from kitchen furniture to overalls and they also do contract work for other manufacturers. Brown, Muriel & Payne Sarah INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION IN BRITAIN SCI – which does contract work – blamed the lay-offs on a global economic downturn. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001). Collins Alexander Demidov)
gen.работа по гражданско-правовому договоруcontract work (Alexander Demidov)
gen.расходы на правовое сопровождениеlegal costs (Alexander Demidov)
gen.расходы на правовые услугиlegal fees (A.Rezvov)
gen.Региональный центр правовой информацииRegional Center of Legal Information (Aleksandra007)
gen.реформирование нормативно-правовой базыregulatory reform (как вариант twinkie)
gen.риск нормативно-правового несоответствияcompliance risk (риск привлечения к юридической ответственности, применения мер воздействия, штрафов со стороны органов государственного надзора и контроля, возникновения финансовых убытков, утраты деловой репутации в связи с необеспечением надлежащего соответствия деятельности организации требованиям законов, нормативно-правовых актов, принятых компетентными государственными органами, локальных нормативных актов организац Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.Российское агентство правовой и судебной информацииRussian Legal Information Agency (так в англ. версии его сайта rapsinews.com)
gen.руководитель нормативно-правового отделаregulatory affairs manager (igisheva)
gen.руководитель нормативно-правового отделаregulatory manager (igisheva)
gen.руководитель нормативно-правового отделаmanager of regulatory affairs (igisheva)
gen.Руководство по оказанию и предоставлению правовой помощи лицам, пострадавшим от пыток и жестокого обращенияManual on Providing and Rendering Legal Assistance to Persons Affected by Torture and Cruel Treatment (Кыргызстан Divina)
gen.Руководство по оказанию правовой помощиGuidance for Providing Legal Assistance (Divina)
gen.с правовой точки зренияas a matter of law (A definition is given for each term, which represents the way in which the drafters of the contract wish the term to be interpreted as a matter of law. LE2 Alexander Demidov)
gen.с правовой точки зренияtechnically (Earl de Galantha)
gen.слабая правовая системаbad legal system (A.Rezvov)
Игорь Мигсложившаяся за последние десятилетия договорно-правовая база международной безопасностиinternational security architecture that took shape over the past decades (ВВП2019)
gen.случаи несоблюдения нормативно-правовых требованийcompliance failings (LadaP)
gen.сменить организационно-правовую формуre-incorporate (Seattle was re-incorporated as a city on December 2, 1869. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.соблюдение законов, правовых нормlegal compliance (Щапов Андрей)
gen.советник по правовым вопросамlegal adviser
gen.советник по правовым вопросамlegal counsel
gen.совещание по правовым вопросамlegal counsel (kee46)
gen.согласно английскому законодательству, не существовало средств правовой защиты против перехвата, подслушивания и записи разговоровthere was no remedy under English law for interceptions, monitorings or recordings of conversations
gen.Согласно закону о правовом режиме территорийpursuant to the law on the legal regime of territories
gen.соглашение о предоставлении правовой помощиlegal services agreement (Alexander Demidov)
gen.соответствие нормативно-правовым актамlegal compliance (Ррр)
gen.состояние правовой неопределённостиlegal limbo (Taras)
gen.социально-правовая поддержкаsocial and legal support (grafleonov)
gen.социально-правовая природаsocial-legal nature (ABelonogov)
gen.специалист по вопросам нормативно-правового регулированияregulatory specialist (bigmaxus)
gen.специалист по нормативно-правовому регулированиюRegulatory Affairs Specialist (bigmaxus)
gen.специальная организационно-правовая структураspecial purpose vehicle (может быть в виде компании, но очень часто бывает в виде траста (перепост пользователя finereader с форума АЛ Лингво 4uzhoj)
gen.споры, вытекающие из гражданско-правовых договоровcontractual disputes (A contract dispute occurs when any party in a contract has a disagreement regarding any of the contract terms or definitions. ... In contract law, a contract dispute is usually considered a breach of contract, meaning that a party failed to perform a duty or promise that they agreed to in the contract. legalmatch.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.споры, вытекающие из гражданско-правовых сделокcontractual disputes (Contractual disputes can arise when the people involved in a contract do not stand by their original agreements. Disputes over contracts are bound to happen, and if handled poorly, disagreements over the terms of a contract can cause irreversible harm to existing relationships. Alexander Demidov)
gen.справочная правовая системаlegal reference system (proz.com ABelonogov)
gen.справочно-правовая системаlegal reference system (Alexander Demidov)
gen.сравнительно-правовой анализcomparative legal analysis (Stas-Soleil)
Игорь Мигсредства правовой защитыremedies
gen.средства правовой защиты, позволяющие им добиваться возмещения ущерба / вредаlegal remedies enabling them to seek redress (the Committee calls on the State party to ensure that victims of racial discrimination have access to effective legal remedies enabling them to seek redress, and to inform the public about such remedies.)
gen.средство правовой защиты по общему правуremedy at law (AGO)
gen.судебно-правовая реформаjudicial and legal reform (Lenochkadpr)
gen.судебно-правовойlitigation (Alexander Demidov; пример употребления? 4uzhoj)
gen.судебные споры, вытекающие из гражданско-правовых договоровcontract litigation (Contract litigation is the pursuit in court of legal remedies when contracts are broken or otherwise become subject to dispute. People will make every effort to avoid going to court through negotiations and other avenues because lawsuits are expensive and experienced contract litigators are more likely to be successful when cases involving contracts go to court. Contract law is a very complex legal contract and firms specializing in contracts and offering litigation services can be found in many urban areas. wisegeek.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.текст закона основа на существовавшем ранее правовом регулированииthe law piggybacks on previous regulations
gen.уголовно-правовая защитаcriminal defence (BSB Law is a criminal defence law firm based in Central London. We offer comprehensive legal advice, specialising in corporate law, fraud, financial crime, civil ... David Phillips & Partners Solicitors are a nationwide law firm who specialise in criminal defence, corporate fraud and benefit fraud. Alexander Demidov)
gen.уголовно-правовая мераcriminal law measure (Recognizing the extent to which criminal law measures affected national ... strengthened the EU's ability to pass criminal law measures. Alexander Demidov)
gen.управление комитета по правовой статистике и специальным учётамGovernance Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records
gen.услуги правового и технического характераnotary service fee (zhvir)
gen.услуги правового и технического характераlegal and clerical services (Having uses related to financial services, such as legal and clerical services and business supply houses, nearby speeds up necessary transactions ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.усовершенствование правового статусаlegal status improvement (Alex Lilo)
gen.усовершенствование правового статусаimprovement of (the) legal status (of Alex Lilo)
gen.усовершенствовать правовой статусimprove (the) legal status (of Alex Lilo)
gen.устанавливать правовые нормыrule
gen.устанавливать правовые нормыlay down the law
gen.устанавливаться нормативными правовыми актамиbe enacted (It may not be long before more brutal solutions to this modern menace are enacted. LDOCE Alexander Demidov)
gen.уступка правового титулаassignment of the title (Oksana-Ivacheva)
gen.Федеральное агентство по правовой защите результатов интеллектуальной деятельности военного, специального и двойного назначенияFederal Agency for Legal Protection of Military, Special and Dual-Purpose Intellectual Properties (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Федеральное агентство по правовой защите результатов интеллектуальной деятельности военного, специального и двойного назначения при Министерстве юстиции Российской ФедерацииRF Intellectual Property Watchdog (UN intellectual property watchdog to assist work of indigenous representatives Alexander Demidov)
gen.Федеральное агентство по правовой защите результатов интеллектуальной деятельности военного, специального и двойного назначения при Министерстве юстиции Российской ФедерацииFederal Agency for Legal Protection of Military, Special and Dual-Purpose Intellectual Properties Affiliated with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.финансово-хозяйственная и правовая деятельностьfinancial, business and legal affairs (Due diligence is the process of investigating the financial, business, and legal affairs of a business, sufficient to allow parties to make informed decisions. | Services include oversight of financial, business, and legal affairs, as well as helping clients to develop and market their personal brands. | Marc Mitchell is an attorney who has managed the financial, business, and legal affairs of several influential entertainment companies. Alexander Demidov)
gen.цели правового характераlegal purposes (sankozh)
gen.ценные бумаги, выпущенные публично общественно-правовыми учреждениямиpublic securities
gen.центр политико-правовых реформCentre of Policy and Legal Reform (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.Центр третейского регулирования и правовой экспертизыCenter of Arbitration and Legal Appraisal (aldrignedigen)
gen.экономическая и правовая безопасностьlegal and economic safeguards for (Alexander Demidov)
gen.эффективные правовые механизмыeffective legal mechanisms (ABelonogov)
gen.юридическая правовая оговоркаlegal disclaimer (Игорь_2006)
gen.юридическая проверка правового статусаtitle search (Alexander Demidov)
gen.юридическая чистота правового титулаgood title (Lavrov)
gen.юридические проверки правового статуса объектов недвижимостиtitle searches (A search of the public records to determine the status of a title, including any encumbrances, liens, mortgages, and future interests affecting the property. Doing a title search is the way in which the chain of title is established. Normally, a title search is conducted by a real estate attorney or by a title company at the request of a prospective buyer or mortgagee. WL Alexander Demidov)
gen.юридическое лицо любой организационно-правовой формыany incorporated legal entity (Alexander Demidov)
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