
Terms for subject General containing по протекции | all forms | in specified order only
достигнуть положения не столько благодаря заслугам, сколько по протекцииwin a position by favour more than by merit
он получил назначение по протекцииhis appointment was a job
по протекцииthrough one's influence ('(…) you may have heard that through my uncle's influence I obtained a good appointment at the Foreign Office' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • '(…) and through the influence of my uncle, Lord Holdhurst, I rose rapidly to a responsible position' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
по протекцииby the favor of (кого-либо: He appears to have been raised to this position by the favor of Queen Eleanor, Maria Klavdieva)
по протекцииthrough a family connection (ART Vancouver)
по протекцииusing connections (He got his job through his connections. – получил место по протекции ART Vancouver)
получить должность по протекцииget a job through pull
получить место по протекцииget the place through the back door
получить место устроиться по протекцииget the place through the back door ("по блату")
работник, который не выполняет важную работу или устроился по протекцииempty suit (someone who is high up in a company due to unfair hiring practices, such as nepotism, and doesn't really do anything for the company; who makes themselves out to be much more able or important than they really are; who is not particularly good at their job 30STMania)
устроить кого-либо по протекцииjob somebody into a post
устроить кого-либо на место по протекцииjob into a post