
Terms for subject Management containing поэтапного | all forms
поэтапно структурированный процесс с принятием решений по завершении каждого этапаstage gate process (The stage gate process was originally developed by Dr Robert Cooper. The methodology provides a formalized way of structuring the new product development process into a series of stages (phases) and gates. Work gets done in the each of the stages – progressing from idea generation, feasibility, development, test and ultimately launch. Before a project can progress to the next stage it must pass a gate – a formalized decision point. Gate decisions are based on a set of criteria, designed to assess the potential of a product to succeed in the marketplace. Criteria at each gate become more stringent as projects progress through the pipeline. Kenny Gray)
поэтапное внедрениеphased implementation (r313)
поэтапное планированиеscheduling milestone (Dashout)
поэтапные измененияincremental change (iwona)
поэтапный графикmilestone schedule (Dashout)