
Terms for subject Microsoft containing потоком | all forms
асинхронный поток данныхasynchronous stream of data (Alex_Odeychuk)
версия источника потока событийevent stream source version (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
входной потокinput stream (A flow of information used in a program as a sequence of bytes that are associated with a particular task or destination. Input streams include series of characters read from the keyboard to memory and blocks of data read from disk files)
вызывающий потокcaller (Alex_Odeychuk)
выполняющийся в потокеrunning on the thread (that ... – который ... Alex_Odeychuk)
вышестоящий потокfeeder flow (A production flow that can supply other downstream production flows)
глобальный рабочий потокglobal workflow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
для отдельно взятого потокаthread-specific
Добавить новое событие в поток работAdd a New Event to Workflow (Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ssn)
задача потока данныхdata flow task (The task that encapsulates the data flow engine that moves data between sources and destinations, providing the facility to transform, clean, and modify data as it is moved)
защита потока управленияcontrol flow guard (A security feature that makes it more difficult to corrupt memory by implementing restrictions on where an application can execute code from)
идентификатор потока, создавшего окноthe identifier of the thread that created the window (Alex_Odeychuk)
избежать одновременного создания новых экземпляров объекта-одиночки отдельными потокамиkeep separate threads from creating new instances of the singleton at the same time (Alex_Odeychuk)
источник потокаstream source (ssn)
источник потока событийevent stream source (ssn)
исходящий поток атрибутовoutbound attribute flow (The direction that the attribute flow takes when going from ILM to a connected system)
компонент-потокthread component
логика инициализации счётчика в потоке пула потоковcounter initialization logic on a thread pool thread (.NET Framework Blue 4.5.1 ssn)
мини-потокmini stream (A virtual stream that efficiently stores data objects that are much smaller than the normal sector size. Sectors in this virtual stream are typically 64 bytes in length compared with 512 bytes for normal sectors)
модель производственного потокаproduction flow model (A representation of the production capacity provided by a group of work cells in a production flow process)
недопустимое событие потока работinvalid workflow event (Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ssn)
непривязанный потокunbound stream (An event stream that contains the definition of the event model or payload type, but does not define the data source)
общая скорость потокаtotal bitrate (ssn)
объект чтения потока данныхstream reader (Alex_Odeychuk)
отдельно для каждого потокаon a per-thread basis (Alex_Odeychuk)
отладчик потока событий StreamInsightStreamInsight Event Flow Debugger (A stand-alone tool in the Microsoft StreamInsight platform that provides event-flow debugging and analysis)
очередь сообщений потокаthread's message queue (Alex_Odeychuk)
ошибка при создании потока пула потоковerror in creating the thread pool thread (Windows 10 ssn)
переключение на одноадресный потокunicast rollover
Переменный потокAlternating Flow (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of information or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Emphasizes the interaction or relationships among the groups of information)
подсистем обработки потока данныхdata flow engine
подсистема обработки потока данныхdata flow engine (An engine that executes the data flow in a package)
получатель потокаstream consumer (The structure or device that consumes the output of a query. Examples are an output adapter or another running query.)
получить значение кода последней ошибки, произошедшей в вызывающем потокеretrieve the calling thread's last-error code value (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток атрибутаattribute flow (An authoritative source for an attribute value that can flow its value to other destination directories and systems)
поток в очереди ожиданияthread in the waiting queue (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток в состоянии ожиданияwaiting thread (A thread whose execution is blocked while waiting for a wait function to return)
поток входных данныхdata stream input (Azure Azure vCurrent Portal ssn)
поток выводаoutput stream (A flow of information that leaves a computer system and is associated with a particular task or destination)
поток, готовый к получению блокировкиthread that is ready to obtain the lock (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток данныхdata stream (The flow of data from a source to a single receiver that flows through a channel, as opposed to packets, which may be addressed and routed independently, possibly to multiple recipients)
поток данныхdataflow (In a DFD model, an exchange of information between processes. Data flows represent discrete packets of data that flow into and out of processes)
поток данныхdata flow (The movement of data through a group of connected elements that extract, transform, and load data)
поток, используемый для фоновой проверкиthread used for background scanning (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
поток обнаружения среды передачиmedia sense thread (The thread, or object within a process, that detects the presence of media)
поток обработкиprocessing thread (harser)
поток обработки почтыmail flow (A series of contiguous processing steps through which one or more messages flow)
поток обработки сообщенийmessage flow (A series of contiguous processing steps through which one or more messages flow)
поток объектовstream of objects (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток объектовobject flow (In an activity diagram, a dashed arrow that indicates that an object is input or output by an action. An object flow arrow connects an object flow state either to a control flow arrow or to an action state)
поток ожидания сервераwait server thread (Windows 8 ssn)
поток, ожидающий уведомления об изменении состояния объектаthread that is waiting for notification of a change in the object's state (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток, ожидающий установки блокировки объектаthread waiting to acquire the lock on the object (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток развёртыванияfan-out thread
поток событий в реальном времениreal-time event stream (Alex_Odeychuk)
поток создания ценностиvalue stream (An operating unit that controls one or more production flows)
поток табличных данныхtabular data stream (The SQL Server internal client/server data transfer protocol. TDS allows client and server products to communicate regardless of operating-system platform, server release, or network transport)
поток управленияcontrol flow (A group of connected control flow elements that perform tasks)
поток форсированного вдохаforced inspiratory flow (The speed of air coming into the lung under forced inspiration)
представление "Поток обработки сообщений"Message Flow view (A view in the Health and Activity Tracking tool that displays a history of processing events for specific messages)
преобразования потока данныхData Flow Transformations (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
преобразователи данных WDM-потокаWDM Streaming Data Transforms (stachel)
привязанный потокbound stream (An event stream that contains all the information needed to produce events. Either the information is an already instantiated data source, or the information is sufficient for the StreamInsight server to start the data source)
программное управление потокомsoftware flow control (Windows Server 2003 R2 ssn)
программный потокprogram flow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
просмотр потока работworkflow view (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
работа с асинхронными потоками данныхdealing with asynchronous streams of data (Alex_Odeychuk)
рабочий потокworkstream (An activity that is composed of other activities. Workstreams are the simple building blocks of the process. They may be assigned to single or multiple roles)
резервный потокbacking stream (The existing stream, that the new stream will be based on. Rori)
свободный потокavailable thread (Windows 7 ssn)
скорость потокаbitrate (ssn)
событие поставлено в очередь в потокevent enqueued in stream (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
событие потока работworkflow event (ssn)
события потока работworkflow events (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
создать наблюдаемый объект из объекта чтения потока данныхcreate the observable from the stream reader (русс. перевод термина "observable" как "наблюдаемый объект" взят из кн.: Пабло Дилеман "Изучаем Angular 2" Alex_Odeychuk)
состояние потокаstream state (IIS Media Services 4.0 ssn)
состояние потока объектовobject flow state (In an activity diagram, a state that defines an object flow between actions. An object flow state signifies the availability of an instance of a classifier in a given state, usually as the result of an operation)
стандартный поток выводаstandard output (A stream that is opened automatically and is defined to receive data output from a process. Rori)
текстовый потокtext stream (A type of encoded output that can be included in a Smooth Streaming presentation, such as captions)
турбулентный потокturbulence force
управление потокомflow control (The management of data transmission between two devices, such as between the CPU and a peripheral device or between nodes in a network. It ensures that the receiver can handle all the incoming data and usually depends on a set of protocols established at the beginning of the transmission session that define how and when a sender may transmit. Flow control also enables slower-speed devices to communicate with higher-speed ones)
файл формата потокаstream format file (A file used by a player to decode a multicast stream)
файловый потокfilestream (A sequence of bytes used to hold file data)
формат потокаstream format (Information about the properties of a stream, such as the codecs used, frame rate, and frame size. A player uses stream format information to decode a stream)
форсированный инспираторный потокFIF (The speed of air coming into the lung under forced inspiration)
элемент измерения потокаFlow dimension member (Any of the different members of the Flow dimension)
язык управления потокомcontrol-of-flow language (Transact-SQL keywords that control the flow of execution of SQL statements and statement blocks in triggers, stored procedures, and batches. Rori)