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Композиция рассказа такова, что епископ тоже представляется персонажем, лишённым, так сказать, краеугольного камня. Невольно вспоминается архитектор Гауди: замыслив построить грандиознейший в мире собор, он намеренно расположил ряды сидений в нём так тесно, чтобы никто из прихожан не смог положить ногу на ногу.The way the story is written, the bishop's character too seems to lack a keystone. One thinks of Gaudi, who designed what was intended to be the largest cathedral in the world, then deliberately put the pews so close together that the congregation would be prevented from crossing their legs. (International Herald Tribune, 1975)
недавно построенныйof recent erection ("Tess thought this was the mansion itself till, passing through the side wicket with some trepidation, and onward to a point at which the drive took a turn, the house proper stood in full view. It was of recent erection--indeed almost new--and of the same rich red colour that formed such a contrast with the evergreens of the lodge." Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy aldrignedigen)
построить фабулуconstruct a plot ("The dialogue is as vividly overheated as ever, the plot is clearly constructed and surprisingly resolved, and the book is rich in many sharp glimpses of minor characters and scenes." (Anthony Boucher, New York Times, 25 April 1954) ART Vancouver)
руководство, построенное на примерахexample-oriented guide (Alex_Odeychuk)