
Terms containing порочащие сведения | all forms | in specified order only
lawнераспространение порочащих сведенийnon-disparagement (twinkie)
Игорь Мигпорочащие сведенияdamaging material
Игорь Мигпорочащие сведенияblack PR package
Игорь Мигпорочащие сведенияdamaging information
Игорь Мигпубличное оглашение сведений о некотором лице, порочащих его репутациюpublicly revealing information about someone that harms his reputation (см. компромат)
product.распространение заведомо ложных сведений, порочащих честь и достоинство другого лица или подрывающих его репутациюact of spreading knowingly false information offending the honour and dignity of another person or tarnishing that person's reputation (Yeldar Azanbayev)
gen.распространение порочащих сведенийdefamation (Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миграспространять порочащие сведенияcast aspersions
Игорь Мигсведения, порочащие честь и достоинствоcompromising material
patents.сведения, порочащих изобретательский уровеньanticipatory prior art (In order to constitute anticipatory prior art, a reference must identically disclose the claimed compound, but no utility need be disclosed by the reference. In reSchoenwald, 964 F.2d 1122, 22 USPQ2d 1671 (Fed. Cir. 1992) (The application claimed compounds used in ophthalmic compositions to treat dry eye syndrome. The examiner found a printed publication which disclosed the claimed compound but did not disclose a use for the compound. The court found that the claim was anticipated since the compound and a process of making it was taught by the reference. The court explained that "no utility need be disclosed for a reference to be anticipatory of a claim to an old compound." 964 F.2d at 1124, 22 USPQ2d at 1673. It is enough that the claimed compound is taught by the reference.) Alexander Demidov)