
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing понятой | all forms
быть понятымcome across (Interex)
в полной мере понятьget a full picture (ART Vancouver)
дать ясно понятьmake one's point (macrugenus)
ещё до того, как ты это поймёшьbefore you know it (Alex_Odeychuk)
кувырком понятьget wrong (напр., вы это предложение кувырком поняли Alex_Odeychuk)
кувырком понятьmisunderstand (напр., вы это предложение кувырком поняли Alex_Odeychuk)
не могу понять что к чемуcan't make head nor tail of it (Yeldar Azanbayev)
не надо быть гением, чтобы понять, чтоit doesn't take a genius to know that (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
не поймёшь, пока не попробуешьsuck it and see (Andrey Truhachev)
не поймёшь, пока не попробуешьthe proof of the pudding is in the eating (Andrey Truhachev)
не понятьmiss the point (не уловить сути: What you say is true, but you've missed the point of my argument. jouris-t)
не разбери – поймиreal mess (Alex_Odeychuk)
не сразу понятьslow in the uptake (Yeldar Azanbayev)
не так понять друг другаget one's wires crossed (to get confused or mixed up about another person's intentions; to misunderstand one another: We got our wires crossed and I waited for an hour in the wrong place. • We got our wires crossed so I went to the bus station and she to the railway station. 4uzhoj)
не так понять, неправильно понятьget something backward (Yeldar Azanbayev)
неверно понятьget one's wires crossed (что-либо В.И.Макаров)
неправильно понятьget the wrong end of the stick (Yeldar Azanbayev)
неправильно понятьget one's wires crossed (Wanda got her wires crossed and got off at the wrong station. В.И.Макаров)
неправильно понять друг другаget one's wires crossed (to get confused or mixed up about another person's intentions; to misunderstand one another: We got our wires crossed so I went to the bus station and she to the railway station. • Somehow we got our wires crossed because I'd written the 23rd in my diary and Jen had the 16th. • We got our wires crossed and I waited for an hour in the wrong place. 4uzhoj)
пока не попробуешь-не поймёшьsuck it and see (разг. Andrey Truhachev)
пока не попробуешь-не поймёшьthe proof of the pudding is in the eating (Andrey Truhachev)
понять, в чём делоput one's finger on (обычно в отриц. предложениях: Like you know something's wrong, but you can't put your finger on it yet Дмитрий_Р)
понять истинуbe on to (To realize the truth. Interex)
понять, к чему всё идётsee the writing on the wall (AMlingua)
понять кого-либоget someone's measure (Interex)
понять намёк, уразуметь, сообразить что по чёмsee the writing on the wall (Yeldar Azanbayev)
понять от и доunderstand from top to bottom (Alex_Odeychuk)
понять приколsee the funny side of (хотя, тут скорее "увидеть смешные стороны". inyazserg)
понять сутьget to the meat of something (jouris-t)
понять суть вещейget into the swing of things (VLZ_58)
понять, что к чемуfind what's o'clock (Bobrovska)
понять, что к чемуput two and two together (Рина Грант)
предельно ясно дать понятьmake abundantly clear (Баян)
сложно понять или описать из-за недостатка информацииlike nailing jelly to a wall (Сибиряков Андрей)
сразу понятьput one's finger on (обычно в отриц. предложениях fishborn)
стараться понятьrack one's brain (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster): I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
Умом Россию не понятьRussia is baffling to the mind (Уолш, Берков. Русско-английский словарь крылатых выражений grafleonov)
это понял, понялиthis was something not lost on sb. (Quite certain the object was not a United States aircraft, the control tower was collectively shocked when at 8:24 pm a response came back. And what’s more, the code it offered was indeed the correct one. Making the encounter even more concerning was the fact that the object, or whatever the intelligence was behind it, would respond with several more correct and appropriate codes. This was something not lost on those in the three different control towers currently tracking the strange and unknown object. If those that were behind the UFOs increasingly witnessed around the United States had access to such secret codes, it meant that air defense was essentially ineffective. And air space could be breached easily. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
я вас прекрасно понялI hear you loud and clear (This expression emphasizes that the speaker understands the other person's point of view, feelings, or message very clearly. It can also imply agreement or acknowledgment. Alex_Odeychuk)
я не могу этого понятьI can't wrap my head around (it Morning93)
я не понял последнее словоI didn't catch the last word (upws)
я ясно дал понятьI make myself clear (I want this work finished by this afternoon. Do I make myself clear? merriam-webster.com ZuevKirill)