
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing понимающий | all forms
вы меня понимаете?can you relate? (All these clothes and I cannot decide what to wear! Can you relate? ART Vancouver)
вы меня понимаете?you know what I mean? (There are other things we have to take into account in a multi-ethnic work environment – you know what I mean? •  ART Vancouver)
как понимать это ...?what are we to make of this ...? (So, what are we to make of this particular story? ART Vancouver)
как я вас понимаю!I know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
не понимаю, в чём тут делоthis doesn't make sense (you say this when you can't solve a problem ART Vancouver)
не понимаю, в чём тут делоit doesn't make sense to me (ART Vancouver)
не понимаю, как это такthis doesn't make sense (This doesn't make sense. Dad saw the signs but didn't heed them. What did the dad think 'aggressive owl' meant? No really, please do a follow up story so he can explain what he thinks aggressive means. richmond-news.com ART Vancouver)
полностью пониматьfully relate to (чьё-л. положение: I can fully relate to that, having made the same mistake years ago. – Я вас очень хорошо понимаю, так как сама допустила ту же самую ошибку несколько лет назад. ART Vancouver)
чётко пониматьclearly understand (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
я вас не понимаюI don't follow you (ART Vancouver)
я не понимаю вашу мысльI don't follow you (ART Vancouver)
я не понимаю, какI fail to see how (I fail to see how they intend to accomplish that given their long track record of broken promises. ART Vancouver)
я понимаю, почемуI get why (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я так понимаю, чтоI take it (I take it you've said your piece. – Я так понимаю, что вы сказали всё, что хотели / что вы высказались? ART Vancouver)
я это понимаюI get that (ART Vancouver)
я этого не понимаюI can't make it out