
Terms containing полевые цветы | all forms | in specified order only
gen.в её волосы были вплетены полевые цветыa few wild flowers were twisted in her hair
Makarov.луга, на которых хищнически уничтожены полевые цветыmeadows ravaged of their wild flowers
Makarov.полевые цветыfield flowers
Makarov.полевые цветыwild flower
Makarov.полевые цветыwild flowers
Makarov.полевые цветыflowers of the field
gen.полевые цветыwildflowers (I found myself in a lush meadow of wildflowers Sweeterbit)
gen.рвать полевые цветыpick wildflowers (Legends say a little girl around 6-8 years old with long, light brown hair and wearing a dress with stockings and boots have been roaming the streets of Rockford for over 100 years. It is said she can be spotted the most around Samuelson Rd. and 6th Street skipping along the street picking wildflowers. (ksisradio.com) ART Vancouver)
gen.собирать полевые цветыpick wildflowers (Legends say a little girl around 6-8 years old with long, light brown hair and wearing a dress with stockings and boots have been roaming the streets of Rockford for over 100 years. It is said she can be spotted the most around Samuelson Rd. and 6th Street skipping along the street picking wildflowers. (ksisradio.com) ART Vancouver)