
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing подробности | all forms
без подробностейin general (Val_Ships)
в мельчайших подробностяхin painstaking detail (The book describes the election process in painstaking detail. Val_Ships)
вдаваться в излишние подробностиdive deep into the minutia (To avoid diving deep into the minutia, the simple version: we walk in... Taras)
во всех подробностяхin detail (we will have to examine the proposal in detail Val_Ships)
не вдаваясь в подробностиin general terms (Val_Ships)
не вдаваясь в подробностиby and large (Val_Ships)
рассказать в подробностяхpour out (kee46)
сообщить все подробностиcover the waterfront (include a wide range of things; cover every aspect of something Taras)