
Terms for subject Microsoft containing подписчики | all forms
адрес подписчика уведомленийnotification subscriber address (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
база данных подписчикаsubscription database (A database at the Subscriber that receives data and database objects published by a Publisher)
переиздающий подписчикrepublisher (A Subscriber that publishes data that it has received from a Publisher)
подписка на платформу Windows Azure для подписчиков MSDN PremiumWindows Azure Platform MSDN Premium (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available to customers who subscribe to MSDN services)
подписчик уведомленийnotification subscriber (The user who receives notifications)
Число команд в базе данных распространителя, которые ожидают применения к этому Подписчику:Number of commands in the distribution database waiting to be applied to this Subscriber: (SQL Server 2012 ssn)