
Terms for subject Firefighting and fire-control systems containing плоска | all forms
агрегат горелок с плоским пламенем для элементарного анализаcombustion tube burner
горелка с плоским пламенемslot burner (с щелевидным насадком)
горелка с плоским пламенемslit burner (с щелевидным насадком)
плоская укладка пожарного рукаваflat hose load
плоский рукавlayflat hose (Layflat hose is made from PVC. As the name suggests one of its key properties is the hose's ability to be laid flat for storage purposes; they are used for the delivery of water in roles such as construction or irrigation; when it is not easy to transport water. 'More)
плоский шлангlayflat hose (Layflat hose is made from PVC. As the name suggests one of its key properties is the hose's ability to be laid flat for storage purposes; they are used for the delivery of water in roles such as construction or irrigation; when it is not easy to transport water. 'More)
плоское обрушениеpancake collapse (перекрытий)
плоское пламяflat flame