
Terms containing плодная матка | all forms | in specified order only
med.беременность с расположением плода в матке вне оболочек плодного яйцаextramembranous pregnancy
med.Отслаивание плодных оболочек от нижнего сегмента матки, не разрывая ихSweeping membranes (Sweeping the membranes is done by the caregiver performing an internal vaginal examination. The woman is asked to lie down and the caregiver will place 2 fingers into her vagina. One of their fingers is placed inside the opening of the cervix, and up just inside the lower part of the uterus (depending on how closed the cervix is and how easy it is for the caregiver to reach). The cervix usually needs to be soft, and slightly open, enough for the caregiver's finger to be inserted. The caregiver then uses a circular sweeping motion (often 360o), to separate the baby's membranes from the lower segment of the woman's uterus. Care needs to be taken by the caregiver not to break the waters, however this may happen accidentally. Innaart701)
beekeep.плодная маткаlaying queen (Pirvolajnen)
agric.плодная маткаprolific queen