
Terms for subject Business style containing планом | all forms
в плане сроковin terms of timelines (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
в этом отношении / плане / смыслеthat extent после to (Ying)
выходящий за рамки планаbeyond what is intended (rand.org Alex_Odeychuk)
дальнейшие планыgoing-forward plans (We need fast, reliable internet in our community. It is part of our going-forward plans. ART Vancouver)
неточный в плане фактического содержанияfactually incorrect (The latest version of its language model will never create anything that's factually incorrect. That’s due to the model’s architecture, which is designed to prioritize accuracy over creativity. forbes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
оперативный план мероприятийoperational plan of measures (Alex_Odeychuk)
план-графикplan with milestones (translator911)
резюме бизнес-планаexecutive summary (как его составляющая Alexander Matytsin)