
Terms containing персональное право | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
lawперсональное правоpersonal law
lawперсональное правоright in gross (право пользования чужой землёй, принадлежащее данному лицу персонально, а не производно от владения)
media.персональное правоpersonal status laws (распространяется только на представителей конкретной религиозной общины margarita09)
lawперсональное право места происхожденияpersonal law of origin
chess.term.персональное право на участие в турниреpersonally granted participation right
lawправо на ограничение обработки персональных данныхright to restriction of processing (financial-engineer)
lawправо на отказ от обработки персональных данных или их удаление из базы данныхright of opposition and oblivion (The "right of opposition and oblivion" refers to the individual's right to object to the processing of their personal data and to have their data erased, forgotten, or destroyed. This right is also known as the "right to be forgotten" or the "right to erasure." Under this right, individuals can request that organizations or companies delete their personal data if they believe it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, if it is being processed unlawfully, or if they withdraw their consent to its processing. The right of opposition and oblivion is recognized in various data protection regulations, including the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It gives individuals greater control over their personal information and allows them to protect their privacy and prevent the misuse of their data. AsIs)
lawправо на уничтожение персональных данныхright to erasure (financial-engineer)
lawправо на уточнение персональных данныхright to rectification (financial-engineer)
lawправо субъекта персональных данных на удаление информации о себеright to erasure (vleonilh)