
Terms for subject Microsoft containing отправителем | all forms
Блокировка сообщений от нежелательных отправителей.Block messages from Junk Mail and Adult content senders (Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows 7)
заблокированный отправительblocked sender (A domain or a person that an end user doesn't want to receive e-mail messages from. Messages received from any e-mail address or domain listed in the users' Blocked Senders list are sent directly to the user's Junk E-Mail folder)
инфраструктура политики отправителейSPF (An extension of the SMTP protocol that prevents spammers from forging the From: fields in e-mail messages by verifying that the IP address in the SMTP Received: header is authorized to send e-mail for the sender's domain)
инфраструктура политики отправителейsender policy framework (An extension of the SMTP protocol that prevents spammers from forging the From: fields in e-mail messages by verifying that the IP address in the SMTP Received: header is authorized to send e-mail for the sender's domain)
надёжный отправительsafe sender (A domain or a person that a user wants to always receive e-mail messages from. Users add recipients and domains to the Safe Senders list)
отправитель голосового сообщенияvoice message originator (" An e-mail address that is used on call answering messages. The voice message originator is used as the "From" field for Unified Messaging messages and is the address to which non-delivery reports (NDRs) are sent.")
отправитель-курьерCourier Sender (A Configuration Manager communication mechanism that enables you to create and send package information to another Configuration Manager site through non-network channels)
отправитель событияevent sender (microsoft.com bojana)
пароль отправителяsender password (A password given by the service provider to the user)
Почтовые адреса отправителей в различных странах могут оканчиваться на код домена этой страны, например ca, mx или us.the sender's email address in different countries/regions can end with top-level domain codes, such as .ca, .mx, or .ux. (Windows Live Mail W4M4)
репутация отправителяsender reputation (Anti-spam functionality that is enabled on computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed to block messages according to characteristics of the sender. The Sender Reputation agent continuously monitors senders and their past Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) interactions, such as the amount of spam and messages that are not spam that a sender has sent, and relies on persisted data about the sender to determine what action, if any, to take on an inbound message)
список блокировок отправителяsender block list (Exchange Client 2016 ssn)
список заблокированных отправителейBlocked Senders List (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that are treated as junk e-mail and are blocked unless the sender is on the Safe Senders List or the recipient is on the Safe Recipients List)
список надёжных отправителейsafelist (The collection of IP addresses that are in a gateway servers list or internal mail servers list of IP addresses that should not be treated as spam)
список надёжных отправителейSafe Senders List (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that you want to receive messages from. E-mail addresses in Contacts and in the Global Address Book are included in this list by default. People you sent messages to will be added to the list)
список надёжных отправителейSafe Senders List
стандартный отправительStandard Sender (A Configuration Manager communication mechanism that enables you to create and send package information to another Configuration Manager site over standard network channels)