
Terms for subject Formal containing отношениям | all forms
в дружеских отношенияхon amicable terms (with – с: Cressida Bonas is on amicable terms with the Prince, but they are not particularly close. – находится / состоит в в дружеских отношениях с Гарри ART Vancouver)
в количественном и качественном отношенияхin terms of quality and quantity (CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
в отношенииrelated to (ART Vancouver)
в этом отношенииthis effect (mascot)
вести себя неподобающим образом по отношению к семьеwrong a family (Alex_Odeychuk)
вступить в деловые отношенияform a business relationship (with ART Vancouver)
деловые отношенияbusiness relationship (ART Vancouver)
иметь отношение к делуbear upon the matter (You must record everything that bears upon the matter. – всё, что имеет отношение к (этому) делу ART Vancouver)
иметь прямое и непосредственное отношение кhave a direct and vital bearing upon ("All that I am saying has a very direct and vital bearing upon what you have called the Birlstone Mystery. In fact, it may in a sense be called the very centre of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
иметь самое непосредственное отношение кhave a very direct bearing upon ('By thus renewing the custom of the old feudal days the Manor House was converted into an island during the night – a fact which had a very direct bearing upon the mystery which was soon to engage the attention of all England.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
имеющий к ... отношениеin relation to (ART Vancouver)
концепция развития регулирования отношений в сфере технологий искусственного интеллекта и робототехникиframework for guiding the regulation of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies (habr.com Alex_Odeychuk)
мошенничество в отношении правительстваfrauds on the government (Criminal Code of Canada ART Vancouver)
налаживать партнёрские отношенияforge partnerships (- speaking generally ART Vancouver)
находиться в брачных отношенияхmaintain a conjugal relationship (ART Vancouver)
находиться в деловых отношенияхhave a business relationship (с – with ART Vancouver)
находиться во взаимовыгодных отношенияхhave a mutually beneficial relationship (The educational system and the international students who come to Canada from Asia, Brazil and a few other countries have a mutually beneficial relationship. ART Vancouver)
обсуждать условия деловых отношенийnegotiate a business relationship (ART Vancouver)
осуществлять меры в отношении защиты своих правenforce one's rights (ART Vancouver)
отношения, основанные на доверииtrust-based relationship (ART Vancouver)
партнёрские отношенияpartnership (ART Vancouver)
поддерживать отношенияhave a relationship (with sb. – с кем-либо: Native tribes across North America have had relationships with the creatures for hundreds if not thousands of years, Eichenberger continued, adding that one group from British Columbia believes they actually may have some Sasquatch DNA in them. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
половые отношенияsexual involvement (A Hamilton man faces charges today for his alleged sexual involvement with a minor. According to the criminal complaint, the victim told officials the 42-year-old man assaulted him from when he was 7 until he was 15 years old. ART Vancouver)
построение и поддержание долгосрочных отношенийbuilding and maintaining lasting relationships (ART Vancouver)
резко неприязненное отношениеabhorrence (for ... – к ... Alex_Odeychuk)
скептическое отношение экспертного сообществаexperts' skepticism (Alex_Odeychuk)
состоять в деловых отношенияхhave a business relationship (ART Vancouver)
состоять в деловых отношениях сdeal with (ART Vancouver)
состоять в отношенияхhave a relationship (with sb. – с кем-либо: Native tribes across North America have had relationships with the creatures for hundreds if not thousands of years, Eichenberger continued, adding that one group from British Columbia believes they actually may have some Sasquatch DNA in them. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)