
Terms for subject General containing объявить перерыв заседания | all forms
объявить перерыв в судебном заседанииadjourn a court session (the meeting was adjourned until December 4 | let's adjourn and reconvene at 2 o'clock | the hearing was adjourned for a week | the opening session adjourned after barely thirty minutes Alexander Demidov)
объявить перерыв в судебном заседанииadjourn a court session (the meeting was adjourned until December 4 | let's adjourn and reconvene at 2 o'clock | the hearing was adjourned for a week | the opening session adjourned after barely thirty minutes. NOED АД)
он принял предложение объявить перерыв и постучал молотком, объявляя об окончания заседанияhe accepted the motion to adjourn, and gavelled the meeting to an end