
Terms containing образец для подражания | all forms | in specified order only
gen.образец для подражанияinspirational person (make.believe)
Игорь Мигобразец для подражанияparagon
fig.образец для подражанияlodestar (something that serves as a guide or model: "I had to spend hours preparing to be half as good as Charles. I'm still working on it. Even before I knew him, he was my lodestar–and he always will be." VLZ_58)
relig.образец для подражанияensample
psychol.образец для подражанияrole model (о человеке – ORD. We need positive role models for young women to aspire to. OALD. No less important, as one of the first Russians to become the general manager of a major American company, he is a role model to young local managers. TMT Alexander Demidov)
idiom.образец для подражанияsalt of the earth (His father is the salt of the earth. He works hard and always helps people who are in need. VLZ_58)
busin.образец для подражанияrole model
gen.образец для подражанияa model to emulate (In terms of sheer quality of the shopping experience and integration with other company departments, experts agree that Amazon has long been the company to emulate bookworm)
gen.образец для подражанияa role model (He's always been a role model for my brother. mahavishnu)
rhetor.плохой образец для подражанияbad role model (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.служить образцом для подражанияlead by example (vlad-and-slav)