
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing не понимали | all forms | in specified order only
не понимаю, в чём тут делоthis doesn't make sense (you say this when you can't solve a problem ART Vancouver)
не понимаю, в чём тут делоit doesn't make sense to me (ART Vancouver)
не понимаю, как это такthis doesn't make sense (This doesn't make sense. Dad saw the signs but didn't heed them. What did the dad think 'aggressive owl' meant? No really, please do a follow up story so he can explain what he thinks aggressive means. richmond-news.com ART Vancouver)
я вас не понимаюI don't follow you (ART Vancouver)
я не понимаю вашу мысльI don't follow you (ART Vancouver)
я не понимаю, какI fail to see how (I fail to see how they intend to accomplish that given their long track record of broken promises. ART Vancouver)
я этого не понимаюI can't make it out