
Terms containing не думающий о последствиях | all forms | in specified order only
rhetor.говорить наобум, не думая о последствияхsay without thinking through the ramifications (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
jarg.давать волю действиям и не думать о последствияхwalk on the wild side (loose and do without thinking of the consequences lavagirl)
gen.не думайте о последствияхnever mind the consequences
cliche.не думать о последствияхnot think about consequences ("Reading from other countries far more used to this kind of crime, I find it so odd that they publish the witness' full name and account of events, even mentioning they're a neighbor, that walks by a quite specific location every day. Hard to believe this is a good thing when dealing with gang-related crimes." "A lot of people *want* to give their name. 15 seconds of fame. They’re not thinking about consequences. They wouldn’t have published that guy's name without his permission." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
gen.не думать о последствияхthrow prudence to the winds (Expert™)
gen.не думающий о последствияхinconsiderate of consequences
gen.не думающий о последствияхreckless of consequences
busin.решения, направленные на то, чтобы извлекать краткосрочную прибыль, не думая о последствиях в будущемshort-termist decisions