
Terms for subject Law containing не виновен | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
английский средневековый закон, по которому тюремный срок отбывал родственник виновного лица, а не он сам, обычно это были самые экономически беззащитные члены семьи: дочери подросткового возрастаStand-in law (There was no social welfare system. The wife and children of a married man in prison existed on the charity of church and neighbors, or they ceased to exist, starving to death. It was typical for a man convicted of a petty crime to have one of his kid's stand in for him for 30 or 90 days. That way he could continue to earn a living, keeping bread on the table, without the family having to rely on charity. However, a man convicted of more heinous crimes would usually find it impossible to convince his wife to allow his children to serve his time. The family would prefer to exist on charity rather than see him back in society.)
не виновен по причине невменяемостиNGRI (Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity ArtemKuznetsov)
не признавать себя виновнымplead innocent (Andrey Truhachev)
не признанный виновнымunconvicted
обвиняемый не виновен, пока не доказано обратноеnot guilty till proven otherwise (Andrey Truhachev)
обвиняемый не виновен, пока не доказано обратноеinnocent until proven guilty (wikipedia.org Andrey Truhachev)