
Terms containing неприменимость | all forms | exact matches only
busin.возражение против неприменимостиobjection of inapplicability
lawдоказывать неприменимость в качестве прецедентаdistinguish (It is very unusual however for two cases to be exactly the same in terms of facts and circumstances and lawyers will often try therefore to distinguish a previous court decision which is adverse to their particular case. LE Alexander Demidov)
mil., WMDзапись о неприменимостиrecord of Non-Applicability
dipl.неприменимость чего-либо к современным условиямirrelevance of something to contemporary conditions
insur.Оговорка о неприменимости положений Договора к третьим лицамThird Party Non-Enforceable Term Clause (Julietteka)