
Terms containing научно-методическая | all forms | in specified order only
gen.заместитель директора по научно-методической работеprogram director (4uzhoj)
gen.научно-методическая деятельностьresearch and procedure development (Traffic Operations: research and procedure development; transportation system management and operations (TSMO) planning and program ... Alexander Demidov)
libr.научно-методическая работаscientific -methodical work
ed.научно-методическая работаScientific and Methodical Work (zeusthegr8)
adv.научно-методическая работаinstructional research
astronaut.научно-методические заметкиscientific methodological notes
gen.научно-методическийscientific methodological (Tamerlane)
gen.научно-методическийresearch and methodological (The cluster offers a wide range of events for its community of academics and postgraduates. It schedules research seminars as well as research and methodological workshops. It acts as a forum for the presentation of research and for the discussion of papers – from the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University Tamerlane)
gen.научно-методическийmethodological (Alexander Demidov)
libr.научно-методический отдел кабинет библиотековеденияlibrary research department
gen.научно-методический подходscientific-methodological approach (Азери)
gen.научно-методический семинарscientific and methodological seminar (Johnny Bravo)
libr.научно-методический совет библиотекиlibrary scientific and methodical council
libr.научно-методический центрscientific-methodological center
manag.научно-методический центрresearch guidance center (molal)
econ.law., RussiaНаучно-методический центр медиации и праваScientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law (mediacia.com 'More)
ed.научно-методическое обеспечениеmethodological support (kealex)
gen.научно-методическое обеспечениеmethodological framework (Alexander Demidov)
gen.научно-методическое пособиеinstructional guide (Tamerlane)
scient.Национальный научно-методический центр преподавания иностранных языковNational Research Center for Foreign Language Education (Beijing Foreign Studies University Alex_Odeychuk)
ed.плата за учебное, научное и методическое сопровождениеcomposition fee (This [University Composition Fee] is the fee levied for the teaching, supervision, student support and facilities you will receive and have access to from the University and your College. JJ-13)
health.Федеральный научно-методический центр СПИДFederal Scientific and Methodological Centre for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (Ivan Pisarev)