
Terms for subject General containing научное и литературное редактирование | all forms | in specified order only
литературное и научное редактированиеliterary and scientific editing (Georgy Moiseenko)
научное и литературное редактированиеcontent and stylistic editing (Business, academic and clinical paper proofreading, content and stylistic editing and correction. | Then all of the chapters underwent content and stylistic editing and a final reading by the first author and a colleague who is a professional writer and scholar in ... Alexander Demidov)
научное, литературное и художественно-техническое редактированиеcontent and copy editing (The two main levels of editing are content editing and copy (line) editing. Content editing is macro editing; copy editing is micro editing. Content editing focuses on voice (point of view), organization, pacing, flow, consistency of ideas and terms, plus troubleshooting for offensive ideas, corniness, etc. Copy editing (or line editing) focuses on error finding: grammar, sentence/passage structures, punctuation, spelling, etc. Often the same editor is used for both content and copy editing. In fact, both steps can be done simultaneously. However, it is always a good idea to later use a separate proofreader. The more eyes on the manuscript the better. Alexander Demidov)