
Terms for subject Informal containing моральная | all forms | exact matches only
вызывающий моральный стрессhurty /ˈhəːti/ (she starts saying hurty words Nesmiian)
моральная устойчивостьmoral fiber (Виталик-Киев)
морально безупречныйsqueaky clean (If you say that someone is squeaky clean, you mean that they live a very moral life and have never done anything wrong. [informal]: Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all. • ...his desire to foster a squeaky-clean image. 'More)
морально издеватьсяyank one's chain (Баян)
морально чистоплотныйsqueaky clean (If you say that someone is squeaky clean, you mean that they live a very moral life and have never done anything wrong. [informal]: Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all. 'More)
совершать сомнительные с моральной точки зрения действияwalk on the wild side (VLZ_58)
упадок морального духаdemoralization (fluent)
эмоционально и морально разбитый, подавленныйdown and out (getzzz)