
Terms for subject Microsoft containing кучей | all forms
диапазон кучиheap range (ssn)
диапазон памяти типа "'куча'"heap range (ssn)
куча или сбалансированное деревоHoBt (vlad-and-slav)
куча или сбалансированное деревоheap or B-tree (A table structure whose index configuration can be either a heap or a b-tree. Rori)
отказоустойчивая кучаFTH (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
отказоустойчивая кучаfault tolerant heap (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
повреждение кучиheap corruption (A type of corruption that affects the data in the Windows heap, such as damages caused by a buffer overrun, writing to a stray pointer or a double-free)
событие создания диапазона памяти типа "'куча'"heap range create event (Windows Vista SP1 ssn)
событие удаления диапазона кучиheap range destroy event (Windows 7 ssn)