
Terms for subject Religion containing культ | all forms | exact matches only
адепт культаmillenarian
Бюро по борьбе с культами злаAnti-Xiejiao Bureau (within the Ministry of Public Security Alex_Odeychuk)
возведённый в культcultish (Alex_Odeychuk)
деструктивный культdestructive cult
деятельность культаbusiness of the cult (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
идеологическая структура культаideological structure which defines the cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
идеологическая структура культаideological structure of the cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
изображение солнца с лучами в некоторых религиозных культахsun-disc
имперский культimperial cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
интересы культаinterests of the cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
культ ангеловangelolatry
культ Библииbibliolatry
культ быкаbull cult (Prehistoric religious practice originating in the eastern Aegean and extending from the Indus Valley of Pakistan to the Danube in eastern Europe)
культ ГаниодаёLonghouse religion
культ ГаниодаёHandsome Lake cult
культ ГаниодаёGai'wiio
культ громаthunder cult Prehistoric beliefs and practices that at times seem directed toward one aspect of the supreme sky god and at other times appear to be concerned with a separate thunder deity
культ Даров небесныхcargo cult Any of the religious movements chiefly, but not solely, in Melanesia that exhibit belief in the imminence of a new age of blessing, to be initiated by the arrival of a special "cargo" of goods from supernatural sources
культ Девы Марииmaryolatry
культ живой природыnature-worship
культ злаevil cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
культ змеиophiolatry
культ иконworship of images
культ иконiconolatry
культ императораimperial cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
культ небесных светилSabaism
культ огняfire cult (Амбарцумян)
культ плодородияfertility cult (Ying)
культ предковcult of ancestors (Ying)
культ рыбichthyolatry
культ Сатаныdevil worship (Worship of Satan, the personality or principle regarded by the Judeo-Christian tradition as embodying absolute evil in complete antithesis to God)
культ святых или священных предметовhierolatry (Worship of sacred objects and excessive reverence for the saints)
культ солнцаheliolatry
культ ТангунаTangun cult
культ ТангунаTan'gun
культ ТангунаTajong-gyo
культ Фаллосаphallicism (I. Havkin)
культ Фаллосаphallic cult (I. Havkin)
культ Хосе РизаляRizalist cult Any of numerous ethnic religious groups in the Philippines that believe in the divinity of Jose Rizal, the national hero martyred by the Spanish in 1896
культ черепаskull cult (Veneration of human skulls, usually those of ancestors, by various prehistoric and some modern primitive people)
культ ШактиShaktism (Worship of the Shakti, together with Vaisnavism and Shaivism, one of the major forms of modern Hinduism)
культы злаxiejiao (Alex_Odeychuk)
материнский культmaternal cult (Ying)
место отправления религиозного культаhouse of worship (maystay)
общемировой культworldwide cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
общение вне культаextracult contacts (Alex_Odeychuk)
ориентированная на культ деятельностьcult-oriented activities (Alex_Odeychuk)
ориентированный на культcult-oriented (Alex_Odeychuk)
орфические культыOrphic religion (One of the mystery religions, according to which the soul is a sort of stranger loosely inhabiting the body, which "sleeps while the body is active, but wakes when the body sleeps")
ответ культамhow to respond to the cults (Alex_Odeychuk)
относящийся к культу ИзидыIsiac (Of or relating to Isis)
отражающий ценности культаreflecting values of the cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
охотничий культhunting cult (Ying)
предмет культаcult-object
предметы религиозного культаdevotional articles
приверженец культа солнцаhelioiater
приверженцы культа Пречистой Девы МарииCollyridians
присущий культуcultish (Alex_Odeychuk)
религиозный культcultus
религиозный культreligious cult (ssn)
руководство культаcult leadership (Alex_Odeychuk)
служители культаministers of religion
служители культаchurch (The clergy or officialdom of a religious body)
служители культа, имеющие духовный санreligious workers in pastoral roles (и занимающие должность в религиозных организациях Alex_Odeychuk)
служитель культаpriest
служитель религиозного культаpriest
суровый образ жизни, отражающий ценности культаaustere lifestyle reflecting cult values (Alex_Odeychuk)
тайный культcryptic cult (Soulbringer)
фаллический культphallicism (Worship of the generative principle as symbolized by the sexual organs or the act of sexual intercourse)
хилерский культhealing cult Religious group or movement that places major, or even exclusive, emphasis on the treatment or prevention by nonmedical means of physical or spiritual ailments, which are often seen as manifestations of evil
храм для отправления культаcultus temple
ценности культаvalues of the cult (Alex_Odeychuk)
ценности культаcult values (Alex_Odeychuk)