
Terms for subject Travel containing комнат | all forms
апартаменты с регулируемым количеством комнатlock-off (A type of timeshare unit consisting of multiple living and sleeping quarters designed to function as two discrete units for purposes of occupancy and exchange. The unit can be combined to form one large unit or can be split or “locked-off” into two or more separate units, allowing the owner to split the vacation into multiple stays or bank all or a portion for exchange purposes. user071)
игровая комнатаgame room
комната для домашних животных гостейpet room
комната для переговоров и мероприятийfunction room
комната матери и ребёнкаroom for passengers with children (источник – Speak better Russian. A conversation manual. George Rubinstein; ссылка – yojik.eu dimock)
комната отдыхаlounge room (Alex_Odeychuk)
примыкающая ванная комнатаattached bathroom (Samura88)
снять комнатуengage a room (в отеле Lana Falcon)
со вкусом обставленная комнатаtastefully appointed room ("Opening the doors of the Presidential Suite at the Waldorf Towers, Fonda immediately starts apologizing for the palatial accommodations. 'They were booked solid, so they put us here,' she says, adding with a vague gesture in the direction of several large rooms tastefully appointed with antiques (...)" (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
список проживающих с разбивкой по комнатамrooming list (при групповой заявке на бронирование мест в гостинице natalitom)