
Terms for subject Religion containing как | all forms | exact matches only
ангел как символ Матфеяangel (In Christian art, symbol of St. Matthew the Evangelist; Левия, апостола из Двенадцати)
батистовые рукава как часть одежды епископа и символ его санаlawn sleeves
бизнес как миссияBAM (Business as mission: Business as mission is demonstrating what the Kingdom of God is like in the context of business businessasmission.com Dimohod)
боги как действующие лицаtheotechny (Gods as characters in compositions in verse or prose)
боги как персонажиtheotechny
будете как боги, знающие добро и злоEritis sicut dii, scientes bonum et malem (Latin for "ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil". Gn:3:5)
в исламе как религиозной системеin the Islamic faith (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
ветки тиса как знак траураyew
видите, как велика мудрость Божияvidetis quam magna sapientia Dei (Latin for "you see how great God's wisdom is")
возлюби ближнего, как самого себяlove thy neighbour as thyself (Franka_LV)
возлюби ближнего твоего, как самого себяlove thy neighbour as thyself (Mt:19:19, 22:39; Mk:12:31)
возлюбить ближнего, как самого себяlove your neighbor as yourself
время как категория вечностиkala
глубокий как пропастьabysmal
десятина как единица административного деления в Англииtithing
жезл как эмблема властиwarder
знак креста как подпись неграмотногоchristcross
и будете вы, как боги, ведающие добро и зло.Eritis sicut dei, scient es bonum et malum (Этими словами змий искушал Адама и Еву Nemesis77)
и прости нам грехи наши, как и мы прощаем должникам нашимand forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.
игнорирующий ислам как религиозную и идеологическую системуIslamic-ignoring (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
идентифицировать себя как мусульманинself-identified Muslim (Alex_Odeychuk)
изображение рыбы как символа Иисуса ХристаICHTHYS
ислам как идеологическая системаIslamic ideology (из кн.: Прозоров С.М. Ислам как идеологическая система; научная разработка проблемы ислама как идеологической системы в академическом исламоведении проводится по нескольким направлениям: историография и источниковедение раннего, средневекового и современного ислама, история и идеология суннитского, ибадитского и шиитского ислама, исламская догматика, идейные течения и расхождения в исламе, региональный ислам, коранизм, салафизм, суфизм как формы истолкования и бытования ислама, арабские рукописные источники по исламу, образование в области академического исламоведения, история ислама и исламской философии Alex_Odeychuk)
ислам как идеологическая системаideology of Islam (из кн.: Прозоров С.М. Ислам как идеологическая система; научная разработка проблемы ислама как идеологической системы в академическом исламоведении проводится по нескольким направлениям: историография и источниковедение раннего, средневекового и современного ислама, история и идеология суннитского, ибадитского и шиитского ислама, исламская догматика, идейные течения и расхождения в исламе, региональный ислам, коранизм, салафизм, суфизм как формы истолкования и бытования ислама, арабские рукописные источники по исламу, образование в области академического исламоведения, история ислама и исламской философии Alex_Odeychuk)
ислам как идеологическая системаIslam as an ideological system (из кн.: Прозоров С.М. Ислам как идеологическая система; научная разработка проблемы ислама как идеологической системы в академическом исламоведении проводится по нескольким направлениям: историография и источниковедение раннего, средневекового и современного ислама, история и идеология суннитского, ибадитского и шиитского ислама, исламская догматика, идейные течения и расхождения в исламе, региональный ислам, коранизм, салафизм, суфизм как формы истолкования и бытования ислама, арабские рукописные источники по исламу, образование в области академического исламоведения, история ислама и исламской философии Alex_Odeychuk)
ислам как религиозная и идеологическая системаtheology and ideology of Islam (the ~; из кн.: Прозоров С.М. Ислам как идеологическая система Alex_Odeychuk)
ислам как религиозная и идеологическая системаIslamic religion and ideology (из кн.: Прозоров С.М. Ислам как идеологическая система Alex_Odeychuk)
ислам как религиозная системаIslamic religion (Harvard University Alex_Odeychuk)
ислам как религиозная системаIslam as a religious system (Alex_Odeychuk)
как будтоquasi (Latin for "as if, as it were, approximately")
как видноas is evident
как гласит преданиеtradition claims
как заблагорассудитсяas one please
как заведеноsecundum artem
как и КакаCacus and Caca (In Roman religion, brother and sister, respectively, originally fire deities)
как католикCatholically
как монашкаnunnish
как небесное созданиеangel-like
как непостижимы судьбы Его и неисповедимы пути Его!how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Rom:ll:33)
как одиноко сидит городquomodo sedet sola civitas (Latin for "how doth the city sit solitary". Lam:l:l)
как отмечается нижеut infra
как отмечалось вышеas presently constituted
как подобает доброму христианинуChristianly
как приличествуетseemly
как у монахаmonkish
как указано нижеut infra (Latin for "as below")
как ХристосChristlike
квакеры как анархистыQuakers (In England, the tradesmen discovered Jesus prohibits swearing oaths while the whole feudalist society for a 1,000 years had stood on swearing oaths, so eventually they left the Church of England. But with every new "reformed" church still opposing the clear words of Christ, there was no church for them to join – or found. They exercised the right of assembly to discuss the Bible. But the Anglican Church, as an agency of the State, can't go bankrupt. It becomes the duty of the State to support it in hard times. Parliament did so. It enacted a tax to that end. A nice religious tax, and by current standards a very low tax, a tithe (10%). But it made a deadly mistake in that. The Quakers, primarily as tradesmen, recognized this income tax as a tax "without jurisdiction,' at least so far as they went. As men unsworn and unallieged, they pointed out that they didn't have to pay it, nor provide a return. Absent their oaths establishing this servitude, there was "no jurisdiction." And they were right. Despite laws making it a crime to willfully refuse to make a return and pay this tax, NONE were charged or arrested. That caused the rest of the society to take notice. Other folk who'd thought the Quakers were "extremists" suddenly began to listen to them. As always, money talks. These guys were keeping all they earned, while the rest of the un-sworn society, thinking this tax applied to them, well; they were out 10%. The Quaker movement expanded significantly, that proof once made in the marketplace. Membership in the Anglican Church fell even further, as did charity to it. The taxes weren't enough to offset these further losses. The tithe (income) tax was actually counterproductive to the goal of supporting the church. The members of the government and the churchmen were scared silly. If this movement continued to expand at the current rate, no one in the next generation would swear an oath. Who'd then farm the lands of the nobility? Oh, surely someone would, but not as a servant working for subsistence. The land would need to be leased under a contract, with the payment for that use established in the market, not on the unilateral whim of the nobleman. The wealth of the nobility, their incomes, was about to be greatly diminished. And the Church of England, what assets it possessed, would need to be sold-off, with what remained of that church greatly reduced in power and wealth. But far worse was the diminishment of the respect demanded by the priests and officials. They'd always held a position of superiority in the society. What would they do when all of society treated them only as equals? They began to use the term "anarchy." But England was a monarchy, not an anarchy. And that was the ultimate solution to the problem, or so those in government thought. There's an aspect of a monarchy that Americans find somewhat incomprehensible, or at least we did two centuries ago. A crown has divine right, or at least it so claims. An expression of the divine right of a crown is the power to rule by demand. A crown can issue commands. The king says, "jump." Everyone jumps. Why do they jump? Simple. It's a crime to NOT jump. To "willfully fail (hey, there's a couple of familiar terms) to obey a crown command" is considered to be a treason, high treason. The British crown issued a Crown Command to end the tax objection movement. Did the crown order that everyone shall pay the income tax? No, that wasn't possible. There really was "no jurisdiction." And that would have done nothing to cure the lack of respect. The crown went one better. It ordered that every man shall swear an oath of allegiance to the crown! Leana)
квакеры как единственное в истории течение налоговых уклонистов, полностью легитимноеquaker (The tradesmen who had discovered Jesus prohibits swearing oaths while the whole feudalist society for a 1,000 years stood on swearing oaths eventually left the Church of England. But with every new "reformed" church still opposing the clear words of Christ, there was no church for them to join – or found. They exercised the right of assembly to discuss the Bible. But the Anglican Church, as an agency of the State, can't go bankrupt. It becomes the duty of the State to support it in hard times. Parliament did so. It enacted a tax to that end. A nice religious tax, and by current standards a very low tax, a tithe (10%). But it made a deadly mistake in that. The Quakers, primarily as tradesmen, recognized this income tax as a tax "without jurisdiction,' at least so far as they went. As men unsworn and unallieged, they pointed out that they didn't have to pay it, nor provide a return. Absent their oaths establishing this servitude, there was "no jurisdiction." And they were right. Despite laws making it a crime to willfully refuse to make a return and pay this tax, NONE were charged or arrested. That caused the rest of the society to take notice. Other folk who'd thought the Quakers were "extremists" suddenly began to listen to them. As always, money talks. These guys were keeping all they earned, while the rest of the un-sworn society, thinking this tax applied to them, well; they were out 10%. The Quaker movement expanded significantly, that proof once made in the marketplace. Membership in the Anglican Church fell even further, as did charity to it. The taxes weren't enough to offset these further losses. The tithe (income) tax was actually counterproductive to the goal of supporting the church. The members of the government and the churchmen were scared silly. If this movement continued to expand at the current rate, no one in the next generation would swear an oath. Who'd then farm the lands of the nobility? Oh, surely someone would, but not as a servant working for subsistence. The land would need to be leased under a contract, with the payment for that use established in the market, not on the unilateral whim of the nobleman. The wealth of the nobility, their incomes, was about to be greatly diminished. And the Church of England, what assets it possessed, would need to be sold-off, with what remained of that church greatly reduced in power and wealth. But far worse was the diminishment of the respect demanded by the priests and officials. They'd always held a position of superiority in the society. What would they do when all of society treated them only as equals? They began to use the term "anarchy." But England was a monarchy, not an anarchy. And that was the ultimate solution to the problem, or so those in government thought. There's an aspect of a monarchy that Americans find somewhat incomprehensible, or at least we did two centuries ago. A crown has divine right, or at least it so claims. An expression of the divine right of a crown is the power to rule by demand. A crown can issue commands. The king says, "jump." Everyone jumps. Why do they jump? Simple. It's a crime to NOT jump. To "willfully fail (hey, there's a couple of familiar terms) to obey a crown command" is considered to be a treason, high treason. The British crown issued a Crown Command to end the tax objection movement. Did the crown order that everyone shall pay the income tax? No, that wasn't possible. There really was "no jurisdiction." And that would have done nothing to cure the lack of respect. The crown went one better. It ordered that every man shall swear an oath of allegiance to the crown! Leana)
кроткий, как агнецmeek as a lamb (Lena Nolte)
мотивированный исламом как идеологической системойIslamically motivated (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
один из четырёх видов йоги, когда повседневные дела совершаются как подношение Богуkarma yogа (Духовная лексика)
опровергать как не соответствующее действительностиgainsay (To declare to be untrue or invalid)
основы ислама как идеологической системыbasic ideologies of Islam (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
отречение как этап мистического путиzuhd
отрицать как неверноеgainsay
поклонение как единому Богуlatria ("Adoration", the worship paid to God)
поминание как прославление имени Аллахаzikr
посох как символ властиverge
принимать во внимание каноническое писание как источник влияния на поведение верующихlook to canonical scripture as inspiration for behavior (Alex_Odeychuk)
сверкающий как молнияfulgurant
сохраняемый как святыняenshrined (Andrey Truhachev)
струйки воска на оплывшей свече как предзнаменование смертиwinding sheet
суфизм как форма бытования исламаSufi Islam (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
суфизм как форма истолкования и бытования исламаSufi interpretation of Islam (CNN; the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
суфизм как форма истолкования и бытования исламаSufi Islam (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
суфизм как форма истолкования исламаSufi interpretation of Islam (CNN; the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
суфизм как форма истолкования исламаSufi Islam (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
такой, как в церквиchurchly
толерантный к исламу как религиозной системеtolerant of the Islamic religion (the Dutch became rather tolerant of the Islamic religion in their colonial possessions after the final subjugation of Macassar in 1699 Alex_Odeychuk)
хранимый как святыняenshrined (Andrey Truhachev)
хранить что-либо или кого-либо как сокровищеentreasure
ценить как богатствоentreasure
церковный приход как должность и доходchurch living
чтить что-либо как святынюhold sacred