
Terms for subject Informal containing и обратного | all forms | in specified order only
пересечь границу и тут же вернуться обратноflagpole (исключительно ради отметки в документах (для продления срока пребывания, рабочей визы и т.п.): In order to activate my YP visa, I merely flagpoled at the US border and everything went well. • I did my landing at the airport in Montréal but flagpoled at Lacolle about a gazillion times in order to activate my work permits. 4uzhoj)
туда и обратноin and out in no time ("I'll be in and out in no time,' she said, 'so just stay where you are and don't talk to anyone." 4uzhoj)
я туда и обратноI'll be right back (Andrey Truhachev)