
Terms for subject Microsoft containing использование права | all forms
права на использование любой версииfloating version rights (The categories of software licenses that are available for purchase from Microsoft and that grant the purchaser the right to use the latest version of a software title as it becomes available, throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement)
права на использование мультимедиаmedia usage rights (Permissions to use a protected Windows Media-based file in a particular way. For example, a content provider, such as an online music store, can grant you the right to play a song on your computer (a play right), to burn the song to an audio CD (a burn right), or to sync the song to a portable device (a sync right). The content provider dictates the terms of the rights (for example, which rights it grants to you and for how long) and Windows Media Digital Rights Management(DRM) enforces those rights)
права на использование ПО на домашних компьютерахHome Use Rights (A Microsoft software licensing option for employers that enables employees to obtain and use a copy of Microsoft Office applications at home)
права на использование предыдущих редакций версий программного обеспеченияdowngrade rights (уже имеющихся в распоряжении пользователя на законных основаниях Vadim Rouminsky)
Проверка прав использования мультимедиаReviewing media usage rights (Windows 8 Rori)