
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing изменено | all forms
в корне изменитьfundamentally change ("We know that adversity can fundamentally change the development of the child's biology, the circuitry in the brain, can change even the immune system (...)." Dr. Thomas Boyce ART Vancouver)
в корне изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
всё изменилосьthe tables have turned (Александр_10)
всё изменитьchange the whole ballgame (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. -- это всё меняет ART Vancouver)
Жизнь может измениться в одночасье. обычно о чём-то трагическомLife can turn on a dime. (sunnilena)
изменить весь раскладchange the whole ballgame (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. -- это всё меняет ART Vancouver)
изменить всю ситуациюchange the whole ballgame (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. -- это всё меняет ART Vancouver)
изменить образ жизниchange one's ways (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
изменить положение делchange the whole ballgame (That fact that Disney is stepping in is going to change the whole ballgame. ART Vancouver)
изменить риторикуchange tune (Баян)
изменить своё отношениеhave a change of heart (обычно с отрицательного на положительное Taras)
изменить своё решениеhave a change of heart (обычно с отрицательного на положительное: I had a change of heart and will let my friend use my car tomorrow Taras)
изменить ситуациюturn the ship around (VLZ_58)
изменить ситуацию к лучшемуmake a difference (To have some effect on something; to cause a change (The Free Dictionary): The government should get rid of the salary cap. That'll make a big difference. -- Это сильно изменит ситуацию к лучшему. • If you really want to make a difference, buy Pierre Poilievre a beer and figure out your similarities vs. your differences. It's high time the boys stop the fighting, stop acting like ego centric teenage rivals, put on big boy pants, and do what's right for the country. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
изменить сложившееся положение дел к лучшемуturn things around (ART Vancouver)
изменить тактикуflip a switch (VLZ_58)
изменить традицииbreak precedent (The voters broke (with) precedent when they elected a woman to the position. merriam-webster.com Anglophile)
изменить традицииbreak with precedent (Would it be breaking with precedent for the bride to make a speech? cambridge.org Anglophile)
измениться в лицеchange expression/colour (anadyakov)
измениться в лицеturn pale (anadyakov)
измениться в худшую сторонуmove south (VLZ_58)
кардинально изменитьstand on its ear (VLZ_58)
кардинально изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
коренным образом изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
коренным образом изменить ситуациюturn the scales (Yeldar Azanbayev)
не изменился в лицеhis face betrayed no emotion (anadyakov)
не продолжать думать о вещах, которые уже произошли и то, что ничего больше не изменишьnot to cry over spilt milk (Yeldar Azanbayev)
нельзя изменить свою природуa leopard can't change his spots (Supernova)
неожиданно изменитьсяchange on a dime (Before the storm reaches the coast, things can change on a dime. – всё может неожиданно измениться ART Vancouver)
неожиданно изменитьсяtake a twist (ART Vancouver)
полностью изменитьcome full circle (To make a complete change or reform. Interex)
полностью изменить мнениеbox the compass (To make a complete reversal in stance or opinion. Interex)
полностью изменить позициюbox the compass (Interex)
полностью изменить свою жизньturn one's life around (к лучшему: to make drastic changes to one's way of life as a form of self-improvement: Author and host of the TV show "It's Supernatural," Sid Roth says he has the distinction of investigating more miracles than any other living person on Earth. He recalled how, as a young man, his interest in the occult and the paranormal led to him a dark place, but upon discovering Jesus and hearing the voice of God, he was able to turn his life around. Roth, who came from a Jewish upbringing, said it was surprising to find faith in Jesus, especially as he began to pray to his Hebrew name, Yeshua. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
полностью изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
радикально изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
радикально изменитьсяboot is on the other foot (о положении, ситуации; used to say that a situation has changed to the opposite of what it was before: The boot is on the other foot and he is the one asking for help this time КГА)
резко изменитьсяtake a twist (ART Vancouver)
сильно изменитьсяcome a long way (в положительную сторону: Wow – Coal Harbour has come a long way in the last 25-30 years! ART Vancouver)
ситуация измениласьtables are turned (для кого-то Dollie)
совершенно изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
уже ничего не изменитьthe horse has well and truly bolted (valerchen)
целиком и полностью изменить ситуациюbe a game changer (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
что изменилосьwhat has changed (financial-engineer)
что-нибудь да изменитсяsomething's gotta give (masizonenko)
что-то должно изменитьсяsomething's gotta give (masizonenko)