
Terms for subject Formal containing зася | all forms
баллы, которые можно получить за достижение целей в рамках конкурсаthe points awarded under this challenge in connection with specific objectives (financial-engineer)
Благодарим Вас за оперативность!Thank you for the promptness! (Soulbringer)
Благодарю Вас за предоставленную возможностьThank you for the provided opportunity (Soulbringer)
в том числе за счёт учётаincluding due to consideration of (MichaelBurov)
ввести уголовную ответственность заmake it a criminal offence to (+ infinitive)
влечь за собойwarrant (Ying)
вмешиваться в вопросы, выходящие за рамки непосредственной компетенцииengage in matters beyond one's immediate purview (Alex_Odeychuk)
во избежание ответственности заavoid being held liable for
высказываться "за"speak for the affirmative (igisheva)
глубоко признателен Вам за Вашу доброту / щедростьyour kindness / generosity towards me is very much appreciated (вежливая формула после получения бонуса или иной любезности ART Vancouver)
за время бракаduring the course of one's marriage ("If your premarital property increases in value during the course of your marriage, this creates something of a gray area." info.legalzoom.com ART Vancouver)
за исключениемwithout
за исключением тех случаев, когдаexcept in instances where ("A former North Vancouver couple have been ordered to pay $37,000 to the people who bought their house on Cloverley Street after a judge determined they deliberately concealed knowledge of a buried oil tank on their property. (...) The Phinneys indicated they didn't know about a tank or soil contamination in both a property disclosure form and in written responses to further questions from the buyers' insurance broker. They argued the tank was a case of buyer beware. That is usually the case, [B.C. Supreme Court Justice Murray] Blok stated in his judgment, except in instances where sellers of property have actively concealed or misrepresented a defect." (NS News) ART Vancouver)
за исключением тех случаев, когда имеет местоexcept in the case of a (He has a non-voting role on the board except in the case of a tie. ART Vancouver)
за неимением лучшегоfor want of a better ("Well, we will take it as a working hypothesis for want of a better." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – за неимением лучшей ART Vancouver)
за особый вкладfor special achievements (Andrey Truhachev)
за особый вкладfor special services (Andrey Truhachev)
за отсутствиемabsent (something: A plurality opinion in Zweibon v. Mitchell, 516 F.2d 594 (D.C. Cir. 1975), held that a warrant was required for the domestic surveillance of a domestic organization. In this case, the court found that the domestic organization was not a "foreign power or their agent", and "absent exigent circumstances, all warrantless electronic surveillance is unreasonable and therefore unconstitutional." wikipedia.org Lavrov)
за период действия настоящего контракта/договораduring the term of this contract/agreement (ART Vancouver)
за последние несколько десятилетийover the last few decades (CNN, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
за пределамиwithout (sworn declarations executed within or without the United States)
за счёт другого лицаsponsored (ART Vancouver)
за чужой счётsponsored (sponsored travel, meals, and entertainment ART Vancouver)
Заранее благодарим за ответwe appreciate your kind reply in advance (Soulbringer)
Заранее благодарим за ответwe appreciate your kind response in advance (Soulbringer)
Заранее благодарим за ответwe appreciate your kind answer in advance (Soulbringer)
зарегистрированный за границейforeign-incorporated (ART Vancouver)
контроль за исполнением уголовного законодательстваcriminal enforcement (ART Vancouver)
медаль за заслуги перед отечествомOrder of Merit for the Fatherland (из британской википедии femistoklus)
муниципальная служба по контролю за домашними и бродячими животнымиDog Warden (Service Yan Shapiro)
мы глубоко извиняемся за доставленные неудобстваwe terribly apologize for the inconvenience and the delivered troubles
мы приносим свои извинения за возникшую путаницуHumble apology for the confusion created
надзор за соблюдением гражданско-правовых нормативных актовcivil enforcement (ART Vancouver)
нести ответственность заbe held responsible for (Soulbringer)
обратиться за консультацией к профессионалуseek professional advice (If in doubt, you should seek professional advice. ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюenlist help (By calling out the name of Jesus, an individual can repel demonic entities, but if someone is under the influence of a full-blown possession, they will need to enlist help to cast out the entity, he said. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюenlist (к кому-л.: Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. -- обратиться к священнику coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюseek assistance (ART Vancouver)
обратиться за разъяснениемseek clarification (возможно во множ. числе: clarifications: The jury took a brief break Friday morning to seek clarifications on the differences between first- and second-degree murder, and manslaughter. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
обращаться за помощьюseek assistance (We are seeking the public's assistance for any information about this disturbing incident. ART Vancouver)
ответственный заexecutive in charge of (executive in charge of production ART Vancouver)
плата за "оперативность"facilitating payments (ART Vancouver)
плата за "содействие"facilitating payments (ART Vancouver)
поблагодарить за оказанное довериеthank for having the confidence in sb ("By renewing my deal with Premiere Networks, I'll be around when astronauts land on Mars," George said. "I want to thank Premiere and Clear Channel Media and Entertainment for having the confidence in me and our amazing team to take Coast to Coast AM into the future. I look forward to many more years of bringing riveting programs during the late-night hours to our millions of listeners around the world." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
позвольте мне ещё раз поблагодарить Вас заI am to thank you very much once again for (The Queen greatly appreciates your thoughtfulness in writing as you did, and I am to thank you very much once again for your letter. (Philippa de Pass, Lady-in-Waiting of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) ART Vancouver)
следить за соблюдениемenforce (example provided by ART Vancouver: If you smoke, be aware that the Vancouver police strictly enforce all smoking bylaws.)
следить за соблюдением законовenforce the laws (In the case of the open drug market on the DTES, when you don't enforce the laws, you get social chaos. ART Vancouver)
следить за соответствием ... чему-либоensure that ... consistent with (ABC Co. sets an example to others by ensuring that employment standards are consistent with best practices. ART Vancouver)
сотрудники, ответственные за безопасностьsecurity officials (ART Vancouver)
Спасибо за Ваш интерес, проявленный кThank you for your interest shown to (Soulbringer)
способность вести за собойleadership ability (ART Vancouver)
я глубоко признателен вам за то, чтоyou have my deep appreciation (for doing sth.: You have my deep appreciation for taking the time to join me on this important occasion. ART Vancouver)