
Terms for subject General containing запас воды | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
бортовой запас водыinflight water
делать запас водыwater (о корабле и т.п.)
делать запасы воды и т.д. на зимуtake in a supply of water of coal, of food stuffs, etc. for the winter (for the day, for many months, etc., и т.д.)
запас водыwater-supply
запас воды для пожаротушенияback up fire water AVP
запасы водыwater availability (misha-brest)
мёртвый запас водыdead-water (в водохранилищах)
мёртвый запас водыdead water
неисчерпаемый запас водыan inexhaustive supply of water
обильные запасы водыa copious supply of water (***в ед.ч.***: In the Dowve Valley, they found a copious supply of water, at which they refreshed themselves and called it Ludwell. Pill would settle there, and built a fortified house, which was called Pilsbury, some remains of what still exist. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
резервуары запаса воды для пожаротушенияfire water tanks (Alexander Demidov)