
Terms for subject Military containing желаться | all forms
здравия желаю!good afternoon, sir! (soldier’s reply to senior officer’s greeting)
здравия желаю!I wish ye good health (a military salute in Russia and some other countries, usually followed by "comrade" and rank; в случаях, когда по тем или иным причинам нужен дословный перевод: I wish ye good health, Comrade Colonel! 4uzhoj)
здравия желаю!good health to you (как ответ на приветствие (в случаях, когда по тем или иным причинам нужен буквальный перевод): "I wish you good health, Comrade Minister." "Good health to you." 4uzhoj)
здравия желаю!I wish ye health (a military salute in Russia and some other countries, usually followed by "comrade" and rank) В случаях, когда по тем или иным причинам нужен буквальный перевод 4uzhoj)
здравия желаю!I wish you good health (a military salute in Russia and some other countries, usually followed by "comrade" and rank; в случаях, когда по тем или иным причинам нужен буквальный перевод: I wish you good health, Comrade Junior Lieutenant. You haven't forgotten me, have you? • "I wish you good health, Comrade Minister." "Good health to you." 4uzhoj)
здравия желаю!long life! (Здравия желаю, товарищ полковник! Младший лейтенант N. по Вашему приказанию прибыл – Long life, Comrade Colonel! Jr. Lt. N. reporting. • Finding myself in the middle of a room the size of a tennis court, I snapped to attention and blurted out, "Longlife, Comrade Colonel! Jr. Lt. Ion Mihai Pacepa reporting." "Chert vosmi!" the voice behind the desk swore loudly in Russian. "By the devil, you're already a grown man!" (Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, Ronald J. Rychlak: Disinformation) • The guards knocked on a door, and saluted, as if they were in the army. "Long life, Comrade Colonel," they said. The colonel made a sign for them to leave. (Susan Field: Upside-Down Results: God Tags People for His Purposes) Alex_Odeychuk)
здравия желаю!good evening, sir! (soldier’s reply to senior officer’s greeting)
здравия желаю!good morning, sir (soldier’s reply to senior officer’s greeting)