
Terms for subject Business containing договор продажи | all forms | in specified order only
безусловный договор купли-продажиabsolute contract of sale (алешаBG)
Венская конвенция о договорах международной купли-продажи товаровConvention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Материал из Википедии – Конвенция ООН о договорах международной купли-продажи товаров (Венская конвенция 1980 года) – многостороннее международное соглашение, имеющее целью унификацию правил международной торговли. Rori)
договор купли- продажиcontract of purchase
договор купли-продажиcontract of purchase
договор купли-продажиsales contract (A contract between a buyer and seller which should explain: (1) What the purchase includes, (2) What guarantees there are, (3) When the buyer can move in, (4) What the closing costs are, and (5) What recourse the parties have if the contract is not fulfilled or if the buyer cannot get a mortgage co... Found op Sales contract Is a contract signed by the buyer and seller providing the details and terms of the purchase. Found op Sales Contract Contract between a seller and buyer for the sale of goods, services, or both. Found op Sales contract – A contract between a buyer and seller which should explain: (1) What the purchase includes, (2) What guarantees there are, (3) When the buyer can move in, (4) What the closing costs are, and (5) What recourse the parties have if the contract is not fulfilled or if the buyer cannot get a mortgage c... duke.edu Alexander Demidov)
договор купли-продажиcontract of sale
договор купли-продажиpurchase and sale contract
договор купли-продажиSale Purchase Agreement (Ivan Pisarev)
договор купли-продажиagreement of purchase and sale
договор купли-продажи жилой недвижимостиresidential contract for sale and purchase (ам. англ. Ker-online)
договор купли-продажи жилой недвижимости в состоянии, существующем на момент заключения сделкиas Is residential contract for sale and purchase
договор купли-продажи жильяresidential contract for sale and purchase (ам. англ. Ker-online)
договор купли-продажи жилья в текущем состоянииas Is residential contract for sale and purchase
договор купли-продажи товаровcontract for the sale of goods (алешаBG)
договор о купле-продажеsales contract
договор о продаже на условиях платежа по частямhire purchase agreement
договор о продаже на экспортexport sales agreement (Alexander Matytsin)
договор поручения на продажу продукцииsales agency agreement (Technical)
договор экспортной купли-продажиexport sales agreement (Alexander Matytsin)
непрерывно действующий договор купли-продажиcontinuous purchase contract
простое условие в договоре продажиwarranty (Великобритания)
разовый договор купли-продажиspot contract (напр.валюты; a contract for immediate sale and delivery of a spot commodity such as a currency Val_Ships)