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анализатор виртуальных жёстких дисков проксиProxy VHD parser (Windows 10 Rori)
диагностика дисков WindowsWindows Disk Diagnostic (Feature of Windows that proactively detects impending disk failures and can alert the support center to replace the failing hard disk before total failure occurs. For administrators, this feature will guide them through the process of backing up their data so the hard disk can be replaced without data loss)
дисковод компакт-дисковCD-ROM drive (An electromechancial device that reads data on CD-ROMs. Most CD-ROM drives have a SCSI interface, although some are connected to a PC via a controller for a disk drive. Data is read through a small laser that is focused on the surface of the CD-ROM through optical mirrors in the read/write head. A spindle and drive motor revolve the CD-ROM, so all data, which is stored in spirals from the center, can be read)
дисковод компакт-дисковCD drive (An electromechancial device that reads data on CD-ROMs. Most CD-ROM drives have a SCSI interface, although some are connected to a PC via a controller for a disk drive. Data is read through a small laser that is focused on the surface of the CD-ROM through optical mirrors in the read/write head. A spindle and drive motor revolve the CD-ROM, so all data, which is stored in spirals from the center, can be read)
дисковое оборудованиеdisk hardware (SQL platon)
дисковое пространствоstorage space (A virtual disk created on a Storage Spaces storage subsystem)
дисковые пространстваStorage Spaces (технология в Windows и Windows Server, которая позволяет виртуализировать хранилище путем группирования соответствующих отраслевым стандартам дисков в пулы носителей и затем создавать виртуальные диски (дисковые пространства) из доступной емкости в этих пулах microsoft.com bojana)
дисковые пространстваStorage Spaces (A storage subsystem that lets you group disks (drives) into one or more storage pools. You can then create storage spaces from available capacity (free space) in the pool)
дисковый ресурс кластераcluster disk resource (A disk on a cluster storage device)
запись компакт-дисков без паузgapless CD burning (A feature of Windows Media Player that allows users to remove gaps between tracks that they burn to audio CDs)
интерфейс коллекции дисковdrive collection interface (Windows 7 ssn)
кворум "Большинство узлов и дисков"Node and Disk Majority Quorum (microsoft.com bojana)
коллекция дисковdrive collection (ssn)
нераспределённое дисковое пространствоunallocated disk space (Any unpartitioned and unformatted space on a hard disk)
нераспределённое дисковое пространствоunallocated disk space (Any unpartitioned and unformatted space on a hard disk. Rori)
Превышена дисковая квотаDisk quota exceeded (Andy)
работа с образами дисковimaging (The process of capturing an installation of Windows for deployment to one or more destination computers)
служба виртуальных дисковVDS (A set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provides a single interface for managing disks. VDS uses two sets of providers to manage storage devices. The built-in VDS software providers enable the management of disks and volumes at the operating system level. The VDS hardware providers enable the management of disk storage subsystems and are supplied by the hardware vendor)
устройство записи компакт-дисковCD recorder (A device used to write CD-ROMs. Because a disc can be written only once on these machines, they are used most commonly to create CD-ROMs for data archives or to produce CD-ROM masters that can be duplicated for mass distribution)
устройство записи компакт-дисковCD burner (A device used to write CD-ROMs. Because a disc can be written only once on these machines, they are used most commonly to create CD-ROMs for data archives or to produce CD-ROM masters that can be duplicated for mass distribution)
устройство чтения компакт-дисковCD-ROM drive (An electromechancial device that reads data on CD-ROMs. Most CD-ROM drives have a SCSI interface, although some are connected to a PC via a controller for a disk drive. Data is read through a small laser that is focused on the surface of the CD-ROM through optical mirrors in the read/write head. A spindle and drive motor revolve the CD-ROM, so all data, which is stored in spirals from the center, can be read)
устройство чтения компакт-дисковCD drive (An electromechancial device that reads data on CD-ROMs. Most CD-ROM drives have a SCSI interface, although some are connected to a PC via a controller for a disk drive. Data is read through a small laser that is focused on the surface of the CD-ROM through optical mirrors in the read/write head. A spindle and drive motor revolve the CD-ROM, so all data, which is stored in spirals from the center, can be read)
цепочка разностных дисковdifferencing chain (A linked set of differencing drives, in which a differencing drive can have another differencing drive as a parent)
чередование дисковdisk striping (The procedure of combining a set of same-size disk partitions that reside on separate disks (from 2 to 32 disks) into a single volume, forming a virtual stripe across the disks that the operating system recognizes as a single drive)