
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing держанный | all forms
держать в безопасном местеkeep safe (It can be easy for kitties to escape with the door opening and closing for trick-or-treaters. Keep them safe in a quiet room with no open windows, cozy hiding places and lots of toys!⁠ ART Vancouver)
держать в курсеkeep sb. updated (We would like to introduce this new newsletter we will be using to keep you updated on what's happening in the Defence Intelligence Unit nationally and in your region. ART Vancouver)
держать в курсеkeep sb. posted (I will keep you posted. – Буду держать тебя в курсе. • We'll keep you posted on our progress. ART Vancouver)
держать в курсеkeep sb. up to date (We will keep you up to date on that. – Будем держать вас в курсе. ART Vancouver)
держать в курсеkeep sb. informed (ART Vancouver)
держать наготовеhave something ready (As the jets raced across the sky, Mooner recalled, "suddenly, without warning, a black anomalous object shot right through the middle of their formation at terrific speed." Having been waiting for such a sighting to occur over the course of the airshow, the UFO enthusiast had his camera ready and snapped several photos of the dark anomaly. Based on his perspective, Mooner marveled that "this object must have been going at least 1000mph as it passed dangerously close to the Red Arrows as it shot off and disappeared from view." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
держать ударtake the blow (VLZ_58)
держать ударfight fire with fire (Anglophile)
держите меня в курсе делkeep me informed
держите себя в рукахkeep your temper
Ну, держись, не вешай носWell, you hang in there (encouraging someone to be strong ART Vancouver)
так держать!let's keep that up!