
Terms containing дееспособность | all forms | exact matches only
lawдееспособность завещателяtestator's capacity (Andrey Truhachev)
lawдееспособность правомочие подписантаsigner capacity (Andy)
EBRDдееспособность предприятияgoing concern (oVoD)
notar.дееспособность проверенаwho executed this instrument in his authorized capacity (Фраза, которая была взята за основу, полностью звучит так: , и была почерпнута из заверок американских "нотариусов". Поскольку в Америке (за исключением штата Луизиана и ещё пары территорий) нотариусы удостоверяют только подлинность подписи, а свою дееспособность подписант как бы "клятвенно свидетельствует" (acknowledge) сам, а у нас дееспособность проверяет нотариус, то я предлагаю, дабы сохранить красивую формулировку и не исказить смысл, просто убрать слово "acknowledged".: …who acknowledged to me that he/she executed this instrument in his/her authorized capacity 4uzhoj)
notar.дееспособность проверенаwho in my opinion has the necessary legal capacity (из заверки английского нотариуса (Ньюкасл-на-Тайне) // Считаю эту фразу самым адекватным вариантом перевода нашего клише 4uzhoj)
lawдееспособность лица составлять завещаниеtestator's capacity (Andrey Truhachev)
econ., lawдееспособность сторонcompetence of the parties
lawдееспособность юридического лицаpower (the said Corporation is duly organized and existing and has the power to take the action called for by the resolutions annexed hereto sankozh)
gen.дееспособность юридического лицаcorporate capacity (One of the things which determines whether a transaction entered into by a company is valid and binding on the company is the company's legal capacity to enter into that particular transaction. In the case of individuals, the question of capacity is determined by the person's age and by their ability to understand the nature of the obligation undertaken. Thus, a lack of capacity is seldom raised in contracts entered into between most normal adults. Although a company is not a person, it is nevertheless conferred legal personality and status by the Companies Act (Cap 50). Section 19(5) provides that upon incorporation, a company shall be capable of ‘suing and being sued and having perpetual succession and a common seal with power to hold land'. But what determines a company's legal capacity? The answer depends on the provisions of the company's memorandum of association, the operation of the doctrine of ultra vires, and the impact of relevant statutory provisions. accaglobal.com Alexander Demidov)
notar.лица, дееспособность которых ограниченаquasi-incompetents
notar.лица, дееспособность которых ограниченаquasiincompetent persons
notar.лица, дееспособность которых ограниченаpersons under special disability
notar.личность установлена, дееспособность проверенаwhose personal identity I the notary attest and who in my opinion has the necessary legal capacity (4uzhoj)
notar.личность установлена, дееспособность проверенаwho proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and who executed this instrument in his authorized capacity (4uzhoj)
notar.личность установлена, дееспособность проверенаthe identity of the individual signing the document has been determined, his/her competence has been verified (ART Vancouver)
lawличность установлена, дееспособность проверенаthe legal capacity and identity of the signatory are verified
lawличность установлена, дееспособность проверенаwhose identity has been established and whose competence has been verified (Валерия 555)
lawполная дееспособность на заключение договоровfull contractual capacity (алешаBG)
notar.этот апостиль только удостоверяет соответствие подписи и дееспособность подписавшегося под официальным документом, а также, при необходимости, удостоверение печати или штампа, стоящего на официальном документеthis Apostille only certifies the authenticity of the signature and the capacity of the person who has signed the public document, and, where appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp which the public document bears