
Terms for subject Microsoft containing двусторонним | all forms
двустороннее отношение доверияtwo-way trust relationship (A trust relationship between two domains in which both domains trust each other. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B trusts domain A. All parent-child trusts are two-way)
двустороннее сходствоbi-directional affinity (A type of affinity that creates multiple instances of Network Load Balancing (NLB) on the same host, which work in tandem to ensure that responses from published servers are routed through the appropriate ISA servers in a cluster)
двустороннее сходствоBDA (A type of affinity that creates multiple instances of Network Load Balancing (NLB) on the same host, which work in tandem to ensure that responses from published servers are routed through the appropriate ISA servers in a cluster)
двусторонняя матовая бумагаdouble-side matte paper (ssn)
двусторонняя привязкаtwo-way binding (A type of data binding where changes made to the target automatically update the source, and changes to the source automatically update the target. Data binding is always set on the target object)
схема двусторонней связиbidirectional communication schema (A hierarchy of printer attributes, some of which are properties and others that are values (or value entries). Rori)