
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing далекое | all forms
быть далеким от единообразияbe far from uniform (Based on the same GDP concept, energy efficiency in market economies is far from uniform. – Энергоэффективность в странах с рыночной экономикой, рассчитанная на базе той же концепции ВВП, далека от единообразия. cemak28)
быть далёким от совершенстваbe far from perfect (The novel is far from perfect. cambridge.org Alex_Odeychuk)
далёкая ближе к стратегической цельpot of gold at the end of the rainbow (From "The Times":"My son has a class of 19. He has two fantastic teachers, kind, encouraging and focused at all times on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow". Leshek)
далёкий от истиныway off the mark (4uzhoj)
далёкий от совершенстваfar from perfect (The novel is far from perfect. cambridge.org Alexey Lebedev)
далёкий отзвукfar cry (Vadim Rouminsky)
уходить в далёкое прошлоеrun deeply (The history of cannibalism in this area runs as deeply as the roots of the palm trees on the shores of Pukeke Lagoon. ART Vancouver)
я далёк от мыслиit's not my intention (It is not my intention to narrow-mindedly insist that my Guru is the only true Guru, or prove that my religion is the only right religion. VLZ_58)
я далёк от мыслиI am far from (VLZ_58)
я далёк от мыслиfar be it from me to (VLZ_58)
я далёк от мыслиthat would be an alien idea to me (VLZ_58)