
Terms for subject General containing гражданская связь | all forms
гражданская ответственность по закону в связи с предоставлением спиртных напитковliquor legal liability (Provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage for which you may become legally liable as a result of contributing to a person's intoxication. This coverage is provided by a separate policy and will only cover insureds "in the business of" manufacturing, selling, distributing, serving alcoholic beverages for charge or no charge if a license is required for the activity. This exposure is not covered under the general liability policy Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности в связи с подачей спиртных напитковhost liquor liability (Provides protection for businesses against bodily injury or property damage suits brought by parties injured as a result of an intoxicated guest who was served alcohol at an event you hosted. Host liquor liability is a coverage that is included under the commercial general liability policy for those businesses not "in the business of" serving, manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving or providing alcohol Alexander Demidov)