
Terms for subject General containing государства- участники | all forms | in specified order only
власти государства-участникаsignatory government (конвенции и т.п. Alexander Demidov)
государства английского языка – участники НАТОNATO English-Speaking Nations
государства французского языка – участники НАТОNATO French Speaking Nations
государства-участники конвенцииmember states of the convention (As an international body, member states of the convention agree to work towards the preservation of sunken cultural property within their jurisdiction and the ... WK. Alexander Demidov)
государства-участники ОВДWarsaw Pact members
государства-участники СНГmember states of the CIS (ABelonogov)
государства-участники Содружества Независимых Государствthe member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (therussiasite.org twinkie)
государство – участник договораtreaty nation (Whether or not this document ruffled feathers among the 48 treaty nations nobody knows, since the meetings are closed to outside observers and the contents of the discussions are not disclosed. TG Alexander Demidov)
государство – участник КонвенцииConvention State (Alexander Demidov)
государство — участник КонвенцииConvention State (Alexander Demidov)
государство – участник соглашенияmember state of a treaty (Alexander Demidov)
государство-участникmember state
государство-участник КонвенцииConvention signatory (Alexander Demidov)
государство-участник соглашенияsignatory state to a treaty (For this to occur the signatory states to the treaty must cede, or at the very least significantly diminish their sovereignty in these affairs. | Uniform Act Organizing and Harmonizing Accounting Systems in the Signatory States to the Treaty on the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa with ... | Italy was an original member of the European Community, being a signatory state to the Treaty of Rome in 1957. | ... 1 December 2005 employers located in another EU member state, in another signatory state to the Treaty on the European Economic Area or ... Alexander Demidov)
государство-участник Содружества Независимых Государствmember of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Alexander Demidov)
Конвенция о стандартах демократических выборов, избирательных прав и свобод в государствах – участниках Содружества Независимых ГосударствConvention on the Standards of Democratic Election, Suffrage and Freedoms in Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Alexander Demidov)
Конвенция о стандартах демократических выборов, избирательных прав и свобод в государствах — участниках Содружества Независимых ГосударствConvention on the Standards of Democratic Election, Suffrage and Freedoms in Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Alexander Demidov)
Конвенция, участниками которой сегодня являются 173 государстваthe Convention, to which 173 States are today party (The Convention, to which 173 States are today party, is the result of the decision of the General Assembly to separate the drafting of legal instruments on racial and religious discrimination.)
Межгосударственный фонд гуманитарного сотрудничества государств-участников СНГthe Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation
Межпарламентская ассамблея государств-участников СНГInter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Members (МПА Alexander Demidov)