
Terms containing гера | all forms
gen.Петер Александр ГерPeter Alexander Goehr (англ. композитор)
lit."Герой нашего времени"A Hero of Our Time (роман Лермонтова)
Makarov.Герой Советского Союзаthe Hero of the Soviet Union
gen.Герой Советского СоюзаHero of the Soviet Union
hist.Герой социалистического трудаHero of Socialist Labor (The title Hero of Socialist Labor was an honorary title of the Soviet Union. It was the highest degree of distinction for exceptional achievements in national economy and culture. It provided a similar status to the title Hero of the Soviet Union that was awarded for heroic deeds, but unlike the latter, was not awarded to foreign citizens.)
hist.Герой социалистического трудаHero of Socialist Labor
gen.дважды Герой Советского Союзаtwice awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union (Wikipedia grafleonov)
gen.дважды Герой Советского Союзаtwice given the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (Wikipedia grafleonov)
hist.дважды Герой Советского СоюзаVasily Chuikov, Marshal of the Soviet Union and twice Hero of the Soviet Union, was 18 when he enrolled Military Courses in Moscow. (vombat63)
gen.дважды Герой Советского Союзаtwice named Hero of the Soviet Union (Britannica grafleonov)
relig.храм ГерыHeraion
relig.храм ГерыHeraeum (In ancient Greece, a temple or sanctuary dedicated to Hera)
tech.электронно-протонное накопительное кольцо "ГЕРА"Hadron Electron Ring Anlage