
Terms containing в регионе присутствия | all forms | in specified order only
gen.в регионах присутствияwithin the corporate footprint (Alexander Demidov)
econ.в регионах своего присутствияin the regions where it operates (о компании и т.п. Technical)
gen.в регионах своего присутствияwithin its footprint (to serve all the industries represented within its footprint | ... and operating a fiber to the premises network to every business and household (about 140,000) within its footprint. Wiki | Historically, English Mutual (now Sanlam UK) has a very strong association with the chambers within its footprint. |The Severn Deanery is supportive of the continuing education and development of all doctors within its footprint. In the area covered by Severn ... | enabled the SSC to contact over 100,000 businesses from within its footprint of around 147,000. Alexander Demidov)
bus.styl.в регионе присутствияwithin the footprint (компании: АЗС в регионе присутствия MichaelBurov)
Makarov.ООН сохраняла военное присутствие в этом регионе в течение некоторого времениthe United Nations has maintained a presence in the region for some time
econ.присутствие в регионахregional presence (Амбарцумян)
Russiaрегион присутствия в федеральном округеregion of presence in a federal district (MichaelBurov)
bus.styl.регионы присутствия в федеральных округахregions of presence in federal districts (Россия MichaelBurov)