
Terms for subject Law containing врачебные | all forms | exact matches only
адвокат по медицинским вопросам с опытом ведения дел о врачебных ошибкахmalpractice attorney (kozelski)
врачебная небрежностьmedical malpractice (ошибка или небрежность врача при назначении или выполнении лечебных процедур, приведшая к нанесению вреда пациенту kee46)
врачебная практикаmedical practice
врачебная тайнаphysician-patient privilege (a legal concept that protects communications between a patient and his doctor (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physician–patient_privilege) Alexander Demidov)
врачебная экспертизаmedical expert examination
врачебно-консультационная комиссияmedical consultation commission
врачебно-трудовая комиссияmedical disability commission
врачебно трудовая экспертизаmedical-labour expert commission
врачебное свидетельствоmedical certificate
врачебное свидетельство об отсутствии заболеваний, препятствующих вступлению в бракprenuptial certificate
врачебное свидетельство об отсутствии заболеваний, препятствующих вступлению в бракpremarriage certificate
врачебные делаcases against doctors (sankozh)
врачебные делаmedical malpractice cases (судебные дела в отношении врачей sankozh)
врачебный сертификатmedical certificate
дело о врачебной халатностиclinical negligence case (Cases may last for several years and require the deployment of substantial resources and expense which claimants’ lawyers must carry for the duration with the attendant financial and cashflow burden. The high level of disbursements that has to be incurred in clinical negligence cases is beyond the means of the majority of claimants. Carrying disbursements of £15-60k per case on an entire case load is beyond the cash flow capacity of most firms. For many firms, if there is no alternative means of funding or being indemnified in respect of these disbursements, they will have no choice other than to limit their exposure significantly or withdraw completely from the market Alex_Odeychuk)
дело о врачебной халатностьclinical negligence case (The high level of disbursements that has to be incurred in clinical negligence cases is beyond the means of the majority of claimants. Carrying disbursements of £15-60k per case on an entire case load is beyond the cash flow capacity of most firms. For many firms, if there is no alternative means of funding or being indemnified in respect of these disbursements, they will have no choice other than to limit their exposure significantly or withdraw completely from the market Alex_Odeychuk)
иск о врачебной ошибкеmedical malpractice suit (kee46)
нарушать врачебную тайнуviolate the privacy of health-care providers (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
"Ограничение на некоторые виды врачебных рекомендаций"Limitation on Certain Physician Referrals (traductrice-russe.com)
преследование по суду врачебной ошибкиmalpractice lawsuit (Burdujan)
судебные тяжбы из-за врачебных ошибокmalpractice litigation (Acruxia)