
Terms for subject General containing видео- материал | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
видео материал, снятый скрытой камеройhidden-camera footage (Alexander Demidov)
видео материалыvideo footage (Правильно: видеоматериал. Amateur video footage of current events can also often fetch a high price on the market – scenes shot inside the World Trade Center during the September 11, 2001 attacks were reportedly sold for US$45,000. WK Alexander Demidov)
видео-материалvideo footage (Правильно: видеоматериал. ▪ The visual evidence accumulates in the courtroom without argument: maps, video footage, satellite imagery and photographs. ▪ Our spies tells us the news director pressed the suspended Epstein for video footage, which he adamantly refused to provide. ▪ Police are currently studying video footage to identify protesters involved. ▪ The show uses video surveillance footage, interviews and re-enactments to focus on lamebrain criminal acts. ▪ On the video footage, which was shot by investigators the spring after the nightmare, birds twitter. ▪ In February the team started transcribing 100 hours of video footage. LDOCE Alexander Demidov)
дополнительный видео-материалb-roll (иногда: b-reel — в отличие от a-roll или a-reel — основного материала vogeler)