
Terms for subject Proverb containing басня | all forms
соловья баснями не кормятa hungry belly has no ears
соловья баснями не кормятthe belly is not filled with fair words
соловья баснями не кормятan army marches on its stomach
соловья баснями не кормятfair words butter no parsnips
соловья баснями не кормятit is no use preaching to a hungry man (Anglophile)
соловья баснями не кормятthe belly has no ears, hungry bellies have no ears
соловья баснями не кормятnothing is achieved by empty words or flattery
соловья баснями не кормятa fine cage won't feed the bird (Anglophile)
соловья баснями не кормятno nightingales live on fairytales
соловья баснями не кормятbare words buy no barley
соловья баснями не кормятfair words fill not the belly (used to mean: you can't feed the hungry with words. said (in good humour or seriously) to point to the vital necessity of giving somebody food, money or certain property without delay)
соловья баснями не кормятpraise is not pudding